《Seasons in the Sun》(中(zhong)文名:《陽光季節》)發行于1961年(nian)(nian),原為法(fa)語歌手Jacques Brel的作品(pin),之(zhi)后(hou)被Terry Jacks和Westlife翻唱,分別發行于1974年(nian)(nian)和1999年(nian)(nian)。
Adieu l'émile je t'aimais bien
Adieu l'émile je t'aimais bien tu sais
On a chanté les mêmes vins
On a chanté les mêmes filles
On a chanté les mêmes chagrins
Adieu l'émile je vais mourir
C'est dur de mourir au printemps tu sais
Mais je pars aux fleurs la paix dans l'ame
Car vu que tu es bon comme du pain blanc
Je sais que tu prendras soin de ma femme
Je veux qu'on rie
Je veux qu'on danse
Je veux qu'on s'amuse comme des fous
事實上,「Seasons in the Sun」絕對(dui)不是一(yi)首愉(yu)快的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)曲子(zi),甚(shen)至(zhi)還十分的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)傷感。它(ta)是一(yi)位(wei)法(fa)國歌手Jacques Brel的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)作品,原(yuan)名叫做「Le Moribond」(臨終的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)人),發表于1961年。歌曲的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)內容大致(zhi)描述一(yi)個罹患(huan)癌癥、不久于人世的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)男子(zi),在面臨死亡的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)時候,對(dui)父親、妻子(zi)以及(ji)摯友(you)的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)依依難舍(she)。
Brel私(si)交相(xiang)當不錯(cuo)的(de)(de)(de)美國詩人(ren)歌(ge)手Rod McKuen,很早就(jiu)把(ba)這首歌(ge)曲翻譯成英文的(de)(de)(de)「Seasons in the Sun」,并(bing)且在1964年由(you)民歌(ge)界元老的(de)(de)(de)Kingston Trio率先(xian)灌(guan)錄成唱片,不過當時并(bing)沒(mei)(mei)有(you)造(zao)成太(tai)大的(de)(de)(de)轟動。后來(lai),跟Rod McKuen頗(po)有(you)交情(qing)的(de)(de)(de)Terry Jacks把(ba)它(ta)重新灌(guan)錄,在1974年的(de)(de)(de)三(san)月二日獲得全美排行三(san)周(zhou)冠軍,原本(ben)(ben)也沒(mei)(mei)有(you)在中國受到(dao)太(tai)多注意(yi),直(zhi)到(dao)幾年之(zhi)后,才因為柯達的(de)(de)(de)廣告而在臺灣造(zao)成了(le)瘋狂的(de)(de)(de)流行,只可(ke)惜主唱人(ren)Terry Jacks當時早就(jiu)在歌(ge)壇消失(shi)了(le)。這位男歌(ge)手留(liu)下(xia)來(lai)的(de)(de)(de)歌(ge)曲本(ben)(ben)來(lai)就(jiu)不多,不過這首歌(ge)卻成了(le)經典——盡(jin)管他的(de)(de)(de)詮釋老實說有(you)點失(shi)真(zhen)。
來(lai)自(zi)加拿(na)大的(de)(de)Terry Jacks成(cheng)(cheng)長于溫(wen)哥華,高中(zhong)時代曾(ceng)經贏得(de)藝術獎學金,但是在建筑師、職業(ye)高爾夫與音(yin)樂這三種行業(ye)中(zhong),他(ta)卻選擇了(le)(le)后(hou)者(zhe),并(bing)且(qie)自(zi)組(zu)了(le)(le)一支(zhi)The Chessman樂隊,不過并(bing)不成(cheng)(cheng)功。有(you)一次(ci),他(ta)的(de)(de)樂隊應邀上電(dian)視(shi)表演,使他(ta)結識了(le)(le)一位漂亮的(de)(de)女歌手Susan Pesklevits,兩人(ren)一見鐘情,隨即結婚、并(bing)且(qie)展開音(yin)樂事業(ye)上的(de)(de)合作。
由于當時的唱片(pian)市場(chang)上,似(si)乎以合唱團(tuan)比較吃香,所以盡(jin)管(guan)只有他老婆一個人獨唱,他們還是決(jue)定用The Poppy Family為(wei)名,并且在1970年以獲得美(mei)國排(pai)行(xing)亞軍的「Which Way You Goin' Billy」一曲成(cheng)名。可惜的是,這對夫妻在1973年就(jiu)宣告分(fen)手了。
離婚(hun)之(zhi)后,Terry Jacks繼續在歌(ge)壇奮斗。由(you)于吉(ji)他(ta)彈得(de)不錯,他(ta)應邀為Beach Boys伴奏。有一次,在錄音(yin)的時候(hou),他(ta)建(jian)議Beach Boys灌(guan)錄「Seasons in the Sun」這(zhe)首(shou)(shou)歌(ge)。不過(guo)(guo),錄完之(zhi)后,可能是由(you)于效果不如理(li)想,Beach Boys決定不發行。而極為喜愛這(zhe)首(shou)(shou)歌(ge)的Terry則為了追悼一位意外過(guo)(guo)世的好(hao)友,決定自己來灌(guan)唱。
使Terry決定自己發(fa)行這(zhe)首(shou)(shou)歌曲。果然,這(zhe)首(shou)(shou)歌在加拿大(da)造成了(le)(le)轟動,美國的(de)唱片公司也慕(mu)名而來,取得(de)了(le)(le)發(fa)行權(quan)。1974年(nian)三(san)月,這(zhe)首(shou)(shou)歌不(bu)但獲得(de)三(san)周排(pai)行冠(guan)軍,更(geng)成了(le)(le)金唱片,銷(xiao)售(shou)達六百多(duo)萬張,使他名揚(yang)四海。不(bu)久(jiu)之后,他又灌(guan)錄(lu)了(le)(le)另(ling)外一(yi)首(shou)(shou)同樣由McKuen翻譯成英語(yu)的(de)Brel作品(pin)「If You Go Away」,也得(de)到了(le)(le)不(bu)錯(cuo)的(de)成績。可惜的(de)是,他在歌壇只(zhi)是曇(tan)花一(yi)現,一(yi)年(nian)之后就(jiu)銷(xiao)聲(sheng)匿跡了(le)(le)。
說的(de)(de)(de)(de)是1963年的(de)(de)(de)(de)冬季(ji),美國冷(leng)得徹骨,來美國樂壇闖蕩的(de)(de)(de)(de)加拿(na)大男孩(hai)Terry Jacks坐在沒有(you)暖氣的(de)(de)(de)(de)屋(wu)子(zi)里喝著(zhu)白蘭地,耳邊放(fang)著(zhu)法(fa)國歌手Jacques Brel的(de)(de)(de)(de)《Lemoribond》。來美國也不少(shao)日子(zi)了(le),但卻沒有(you)音樂人(ren)對他(ta)的(de)(de)(de)(de)音樂感(gan)興趣。他(ta)看起(qi)剛剛朋友塞給(gei)他(ta)的(de)(de)(de)(de)一張名片,背(bei)后抄了(le)一個死(si)刑犯的(de)(de)(de)(de)臨終遺言,聽著(zhu)《Lemoribond》,看著(zhu)名片背(bei)后的(de)(de)(de)(de)字,他(ta)拿(na)起(qi)了(le)吉(ji)他(ta)開始輕(qing)(qing)輕(qing)(qing)彈唱……
雖然(ran)在(zai)(zai)(zai)法律上,A犯了(le)故意殺人(ren)罪;但(dan)在(zai)(zai)(zai)民(min)間(jian),許多人(ren)卻認為在(zai)(zai)(zai)道義(yi)上a也是極(ji)大的(de)(de)受害者。于是,人(ren)們紛紛傳(chuan)抄他(ta)(ta)(ta)的(de)(de)遺(yi)言(yan),Terry Jacks在(zai)(zai)(zai)1963年(nian)拿到的(de)(de)那張名(ming)片背(bei)面的(de)(de)遺(yi)言(yan),就(jiu)是朋友抄的(de)(de)。terry jacks將a的(de)(de)遺(yi)言(yan)填(tian)入《Lemoribond》的(de)(de)曲中寫成(cheng)了(le)《Seasons in the sun》。他(ta)(ta)(ta)四處給音(yin)樂人(ren)彈(dan)唱(chang)這(zhe)首(shou)(shou)歌(ge)(ge)(ge),但(dan)哪(na)個音(yin)樂人(ren)會給一(yi)個無名(ming)之輩投資呢?最終,他(ta)(ta)(ta)找(zhao)到了(le)Beach Boys,把這(zhe)首(shou)(shou)歌(ge)(ge)(ge)唱(chang)給他(ta)(ta)(ta)們聽。這(zhe)首(shou)(shou)歌(ge)(ge)(ge)很棒(bang),Beach Boys自(zi)己將這(zhe)首(shou)(shou)翻(fan)唱(chang),可惜他(ta)(ta)(ta)們無法傳(chuan)遞出這(zhe)首(shou)(shou)歌(ge)(ge)(ge)的(de)(de)情(qing)感,于是Terry Jacks借了(le)錄音(yin)棚把這(zhe)首(shou)(shou)歌(ge)(ge)(ge)錄了(le)一(yi)遍。然(ran)而因為他(ta)(ta)(ta)們當時專輯(ji)的(de)(de)歌(ge)(ge)(ge)滿了(le),沒有將此歌(ge)(ge)(ge)收錄進(jin)去。直到十年(nian)之后,1973年(nian),這(zhe)首(shou)(shou)歌(ge)(ge)(ge)終于一(yi)炮而紅(hong),之后有許多翻(fan)唱(chang)的(de)(de)版(ban)本。在(zai)(zai)(zai)第二種歌(ge)(ge)(ge)曲背(bei)景(jing)下,對歌(ge)(ge)(ge)詞做(zuo)點解(jie)釋:和大家常看(kan)到的(de)(de)不同,都是We have joy,we have fun Westlife版(ban)是We had joy,we had fun原版(ban)是用“have”的(de)(de),表示作者的(de)(de)一(yi)種希(xi)望(wang)之情(qing),他(ta)(ta)(ta)希(xi)望(wang)能(neng)永(yong)遠(yuan)快樂,但(dan)是死亡逼近,已經永(yong)遠(yuan)不可能(neng)了(le)。
《Seasons in the Sun》是一首具有雙(shuang)重意義(yi)的歌曲,它在排行榜上(shang)名列4周之久,使其(qi)成為樂隊20世(shi)紀最后一首冠軍單(dan)曲和新世(shi)紀的No.1。可(ke)見(jian)其(qi)魅力之大!
Goodbye to you my trusted friend再見了,我的摯友
We've known each other since we were nine or ten我們九歲十(shi)歲時就相識
Together we've climbed hills and trees曾經一起(qi)爬(pa)山爬(pa)樹
Learned of love and ABC's學(xue)習(xi)過(guo)愛和ABC
Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees我們心意相同,情同手足
Goodbye my friend it's hard to die再(zai)見了我的(de)摯友(you),友(you)情(qing)是不死的(de)
When all the birds are singing in the sky當所(suo)有的鳥兒都在天空(kong)歌唱時(shi)
Now that spring is in the air春天就彌漫在那空氣中
Pretty girls are everywhere到處都(dou)會有(you)可愛的(de)女(nv)孩(hai)
Think of me and I'll be there想起我(wo),我(wo)就(jiu)會出現在那里
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun我們曾擁有幸福快(kuai)樂,也曾擁有陽光下的季節
But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time但我(wo)們爬過的那(nei)些山,只是時光(guang)外的季節罷(ba)了(le)
Goodbye Papa, please pray for me再見了,爸爸,請為(wei)我祈禱吧
I was the black sheep of the family我曾是家(jia)里的害群之馬
You tried to teach me right from wrong你曾試圖教我(wo)改邪(xie)歸正
Too much wine and too much song而(er)我卻沉迷于歌酒狂歡
Wonder how I got along真不知我是如何過來(lai)的
Goodbye papa, it's hard to die再見了,爸爸,親情是不(bu)死的
When all the birds are singing in the sky當所有的鳥(niao)兒都在天(tian)空(kong)歌(ge)唱時(shi)
Now that the spring is in the air春天(tian)就彌(mi)漫在(zai)那空氣(qi)中
Little children are everywhere到處都會有淘(tao)氣的孩子(zi)
When you see them I'll be there當你看見(jian)他(ta)們時,我就會出現在那里
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun我們曾擁(yong)有幸福快樂,也曾擁(yong)有陽(yang)光下的季節(jie)
But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone但那(nei)酒與歌,就像那(nei)些(xie)季(ji)節(jie),早已(yi)逝去
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun我們曾擁有幸福快樂,也曾擁有陽(yang)光下(xia)的季節(jie)
But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone但那酒(jiu)與歌,就像(xiang)那些季節,早已逝去
Goodbye Michelle my little one再(zai)見(jian)了,米(mi)歇爾,我(wo)的小寶貝
You gave me love and helped me find the sun你(ni)給了我愛(ai),幫我找到陽光
And every time that I was down每當我消(xiao)沉的(de)時候
You would always come around你總是會(hui)來(lai)到我身邊
And get my feet back on the ground讓我重新腳(jiao)踏實地
Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die再見(jian)了(le),米(mi)歇爾,愛情是不死的
When all the birds are singing in the sky當所有的鳥兒都在天空歌(ge)唱時
Now that the spring is in the air春天就(jiu)彌(mi)漫(man)在那空氣中
With the flowers everywhere到(dao)處都會有(you)美麗的花(hua)兒(er)
I wish that we could both be there我希(xi)望我們能一起徜(chang)徉在那(nei)春天里
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun我們曾(ceng)擁有幸福快樂(le),也曾(ceng)擁有陽光下(xia)的(de)季節(jie)
But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time但我們爬過的(de)那(nei)些(xie)山,只是時(shi)光外的(de)季節(jie)罷了
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun我們曾擁有幸福快樂,也曾擁有陽(yang)光下(xia)的季(ji)節
But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone但那酒與歌,就像那些季節,早已逝去
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun我們曾(ceng)擁有(you)幸福快樂,也曾(ceng)擁有(you)陽光(guang)下(xia)的季(ji)節
But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone但那(nei)酒(jiu)與歌,就(jiu)像(xiang)那(nei)些(xie)季節(jie),早已逝(shi)去
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun我們曾(ceng)擁有幸福快(kuai)樂,也曾(ceng)擁有陽光下(xia)的季節(jie)
But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone但那(nei)(nei)酒(jiu)與歌,就像(xiang)那(nei)(nei)些季節,早已逝(shi)去
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun我(wo)們曾擁有(you)幸福快樂,也曾擁有(you)陽(yang)光下的(de)季節
但跟其他Kurt翻(fan)唱的例(li)如the wiper的D7
Smack的run rabbit run這(zhe)些歌(ge)曲相(xiang)比(bi)
MTV記者(zhe):Kurt,你唱了Seasons In The Sun
KRIST:有段特棒的歌詞... (sings) Good-bye papa it's hard to die
能將這首歌的(de)內在氣質體現的(de)如此強烈只有(you)Kurt cobain做得到
然而我們(men)卻(que)能作為一(yi)個鑰(yao)匙孔(kong) 窺見Kurt內心中(zhong)的(de)掙扎與乞(qi)求
臉上印著被淚(lei)水沖開的臟痕(hen) 雙(shuang)手(shou)抱(bao)著小小的膝蓋
輕輕的(de)唱:Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me
Goodbye my friend it's hard to die
when all the birds are singing in the sky
And all the flowers are everywhere
Pretty girls are everywhere
Think of me and I'll be there
Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me.
I was the black sheep of the family.
And I don't know the ... all these words.
I have boggy turds.
With my B.B. gun I would kill birds.
We had joy. We had fun.
We had seasons in the sun,
but the hills that we climb
were just seasons out of time.
All our lives, we had fun.
We had seasons in the sun,
but the hill that we reached
were just starfish on the beach
Goodbye Michelle my little one
I was the apple of the shiny sun.
And la la la la hill we reach.
All my tears are salty.
I think now I will start to read.
We had joy. We had fun.
We had seasons in the sun,
but the hills that we climb
were just seasons out of time.
We had joy. We had fun.
We had seasons in the sun,
but the hill on the beach
were just starfish on the beach
We had joy. We had fun.
We had seasons in the sun,
but the hills that we climb
were just seasons out of time.
I've had joy. We had fun.
We had seasons in the sun,
but the stars that we reached
were just starfish on the beach
這首黑匣子樂隊(Black Box Recorder)翻唱的<>收入于專(zhuan)輯《The Worst of Black Box Recorder》,2001年發行(xing)。
goodbye to you my trusted friend. 再見了,我的摯友.
we’ve known each other since we were 9 or 10. 我(wo)們九歲十歲時就(jiu)相(xiang)識.
together we’ve climb hills and trees. 我們曾經一起爬(pa)(pa)山,爬(pa)(pa)樹.
learned of love and abcs. 學(xue)習(xi)愛和ABC.
skinned our hearts skinned our knees. 我們心意相同,情同手足.
goodbye my friend it’s hard to die. 再(zai)見了朋友,我實在(zai)不愿意離去(qu).
when all the birds are singing in the sky. 當所有的鳥(niao)兒在天空(kong)歌唱.
now that spring is in the air. 春天就彌(mi)漫在空(kong)氣(qi)中.
pretty girls are everywhere. 到處(chu)是(shi)漂亮的女(nv)孩.
think of me and i’ll be there. 想起我(wo),我(wo)就會與你同在.
we had joy,we had fun. 我(wo)們曾共享快樂.
we had seasons in the sun. 我們擁有陽光季節(jie).
but the hills that we climbed were just seasons out oftime. 但那些我們曾經爬過的(de)山 只是時間以外的(de)季節(jie).
goodbye papa please pray for me. 再見了爸爸,請為我(wo)祈禱吧.
i was the black sheep of the family. 我曾是家里的(de)敗(bai)類.
you tried to teach me right from wrong. 你努力教我明(ming)辨是非(fei).
too much wine and too much song. 我卻沉醉于歌酒狂歡中.
wonder how i got along. 真(zhen)不知道我是(shi)怎樣過來(lai)的.
goodbye papa it’s hard to die. 再見了爸爸,我實在不愿(yuan)意離(li)去(qu).
when all the birds are singing in the sky. 當所(suo)有(you)的鳥(niao)兒在天空(kong)歌唱.
now that spring is in the air. 春天就彌漫在(zai)空氣(qi)中.
little children are everywhere. 到處都是(shi)小小孩(hai).
when you see them i’ll be there. 當你看見他們,我就(jiu)會與(yu)你同(tong)在.
we had joy,we had fun. 我們曾共(gong)享快樂.
we had seasons in the sun. 我們(men)擁(yong)有陽(yang)光季(ji)節.
but the wine and the song. 但昔日的歌酒(jiu)狂歡.
like the season has all gone. 猶如季節更迭已(yi)消逝.
we had joy,we had fun. 我們曾共享(xiang)快樂.
we had seasons in the sun. 我們擁有陽光季節.
but the wine and the song. 但昔日的歌(ge)酒狂歡.
like the seasons have all gone. 猶(you)如季節更迭已消(xiao)逝.
goodbye Michelle my little one. 再見了蜜(mi)雪兒,我(wo)的小(xiao)可愛.
you gave me love help me find the sun. 你給我愛,幫(bang)我找到(dao)陽光.
and every time that i was down. 每當我(wo)沮喪時.
you would always come around. 你總(zong)是來到我的身邊.
and get my feet back on the ground. 讓我重新腳踏(ta)實(shi)地.
goodbye Michelle it’s hard to die. 再見了蜜雪兒,我(wo)實在不愿意離去(qu).
when all the birds are singing in the sky. 當所(suo)有(you)的鳥兒在天空歌(ge)唱.
now that spring is in the air. 春天(tian)就(jiu)彌漫在空氣中.
with the flowers everywhere. 伴隨著四周(zhou)的花(hua)朵(duo).
i wish that we could both be there ! 我(wo)希望我(wo)能與你同在!
we had joy,we had fun. 我(wo)們曾共享快樂(le).
we had seasons in the sun. 我們擁有(you)陽(yang)光季(ji)節.
but the hills that we climbed were just seasons out oftime.但那(nei)些我(wo)們曾(ceng)經爬過的(de)山 只是時(shi)間以(yi)外的(de)季節.
we had joy,we had fun. 我們曾共(gong)享快(kuai)樂.
we had seasons in the sun. 我(wo)們擁(yong)有(you)陽(yang)光季節.
but the wine and the song. 但昔(xi)日的歌酒狂歡.
like the seasons have all gone. 猶(you)如季節更迭已消逝.
we had joy,we had fun. 我們曾共享快樂.
we had seasons in the sun. 也曾共享陽光(guang)季節.
but the wine and the song. 但(dan)昔日的(de)歌酒狂(kuang)歡.
like the seasons have all gone. 猶(you)如季(ji)節更迭已消逝.
we had joy,we had fun. 我們曾共享快樂.
we had seasons in the sun. 也曾共享陽光季(ji)節(jie).
but the wine and the song. 但昔日(ri)的歌酒狂歡.
like the seasons have all gone. 猶如季節更迭已消逝.