《Born To Fight》是UNIQ演唱(chang)的歌(ge)曲(qu),由Jarah Gibson、Def Jef填詞,DK、MRey、Hyuk Shin譜曲(qu)。
好萊塢真(zhen)人特效版動作(zuo)冒險電(dian)影《忍者(zhe)神(shen)龜:變種時代(dai)》主題曲(qu)《Born To Fight(為(wei)(wei)(wei)戰而生(sheng))》。歌曲(qu)《Born to Fight(為(wei)(wei)(wei)戰而生(sheng))》由(you)Justin Bieber制作(zuo)團隊(dui)Joombas Music Group為(wei)(wei)(wei)UNIQ量身(shen)打(da)造,將時下(xia)最熱火的嘻(xi)哈(ha)、搖滾、電(dian)子元素(su)融為(wei)(wei)(wei)一體(ti),整體(ti)極富律動。UNIQ也(ye)憑此曲(qu)成(cheng)為(wei)(wei)(wei)派拉(la)蒙影業史上最年輕的主題曲(qu)演唱者(zhe)。
Born to Fight(歌詞)
Knocking me down doesn’t mean that I wont get up
you know it’s hard to beat something that just wont give up
steady throwing dirt I just tweak it in the track
threw me to the wolves came back leading the pack
testament to my passion and hustle
rain on my parade and I’m splashing in the puddles
throwing shade means nothing I was born in the dark