有超過(guo)15個國(guo)際影(ying)展(zhan)爭相邀請的(de)(de)2011超高評(ping)價(jia)獲獎(jiang)(jiang)紀(ji)錄片佳作,導演(yan)利用反(fan)諷的(de)(de)方式(shi)去記錄巴勒斯(si)坦農民孩子(zi)成(cheng)長與鄉(xiang)里(li)抗(kang)爭的(de)(de)過(guo)程, 一舉(ju)拿下(xia)了(le)2011阿姆斯(si)特丹紀(ji)錄片影(ying)展(zhan)評(ping)審團(tuan)特別獎(jiang)(jiang)及觀眾票選獎(jiang)(jiang)、2012美國(guo)日舞影(ying)展(zhan)紀(ji)錄片最(zui)佳導演(yan)獎(jiang)(jiang) 第85屆奧(ao)斯(si)卡(ka)金像獎(jiang)(jiang)(2013) 奧(ao)斯(si)卡(ka)獎(jiang)(jiang)-最(zui)佳紀(ji)錄長片(提名)
Emad Burnat ....Himself - Narrator
Soraya Burnat ....Herself - Wife of Emad
Mohammed Burnat ....Himself - Son of Emad
Yasin Burnat ....Himself - Son of Emad
Taky-Adin Burnat ....Himself - Son of Emad
Gibreel Burnat ....Himself - Son of Emad
Muhammad Burnat ....Himself - Father of Emad
Bassem Abu-Rahma ....Himself - Protester (as Phil)
Adeeb Abu-Rahma ....Himself - Protester
Ashraf Abu-Rahma ....Himself - Protester (as Daba)
Intisar Burnat ....Herself - Mother of Emad
Eyad Burnat ....Himself - Brother of Emad
Riyad Burnat ....Himself - Brother of Emad
Khaled Burnat ....Himself - Brother of Emad
Jafar Burnat ....Himself - Brother of Emad
Yisrael Puterman ....Himself - Friend of Emad
導演(yan) Director:
Emad Burnat
Guy Davidi
編劇(ju) Writer:
Guy Davidi
制(zhi)作人 Produced by:
Emad Burnat ....co-producer
Christine Camdessus ....co-producer
Guy Davidi ....producer
Serge Gordey ....co-producer
原創(chuang)音樂 Original Music:
Adnan Joubran ....(music composed by)
Wissam Joubran ....(music composed by)
Samir Jubran ....(music composed by)
Ofer Peled ....(flute imporvisations)
Le Trio Joubran
攝影 Cinematography:
Emad Burnat
剪輯(ji) Film Editing:
Guy Davidi
Véronique Lagoarde-Ségot
第85屆(jie)奧斯卡(ka)金像獎 最佳紀錄(lu)長片(提名) Emad Burnat/Guy Davidi
第17屆釜山(shan)國(guo)際電影(ying)節 釜山(shan)影(ying)迷大獎 Emad Burnat/Guy Davidi
Alegria Productions
Burnat Films
Guy DVD Films
Kino Lorber (2012) (USA) (theatrical)
Urayasu Documentary Office (2012) (Japan) (theatrical)
Zeugma Films (2013) (France) (theatrical)
Against Gravity (2012) (Poland) (all media)
NHK BS1 (2012) (Japan) (TV)
Avidia post-production
Nice Fellow subtitling
Leevtamar Studio 4 graphic design
Tel HaShomer Hospital thanks
Taldor thanks
B'Tselem thanks (as B'Tselem - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories)
Friends of Freedom and Justice Bil'in thanks
Anarchists Against the Wall thanks
Greenhouse development grant
CoPro with the endorsement of (as Copro - Documentary Marketing Foundation)
Sheffield Doc / Fest with the endorsement of
Sheffield Docfest with the endorsement of (as Sheffield Doc/Fest)
ITVS with the support of (as ITVS International)
Ford Foundation funding provided by: ITVS International
Flora Hewlett Foundation funding provided by: ITVS International
The John D. & Catherine MacArthur Foundation funding provided by: ITVS International
New Israeli Foundation for Cinema and Television [以色列(lie)] with the support of (as The New Israeli Foundation for Cinema)
Israel Film Council [以色列] with the support of (as The Israeli Film Council)
Centre National du Cinéma et de L'image Animée (CNC) with the support of
Jan Vrijman Fund with the support of (as The Jan Vrijman Fund)
International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam (IDFA) with the support of (as IDFA Academy)
Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA) Worldview with the support of
Alter-Ciné with the support of: (as Fondation Alter-Ciné)
Asian Cinema Fund (Pusan International Film Festival) with the support of: (as Asian Cinema Fund)
France Télévisions in association with
Noga Communications [以色列] in association with (as Noga Communications-Channel 8)
Interkerkelijke Omroep Nederland (IKON) in association with (as IKON)
Yle to 1 Finland in association with (as Yle)
Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) in association with (as RTS Radio Télévision Suisse)
Residents of Bil'in special thanks
Residents of Nil'in special thanks
荷蘭Netherlands2011年11月......(IDFA International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)
美國USA2012年1月23日......(Sundance Film Festival)
墨西哥Mexico2012年2月11日......(Gira de Documentales Ambulante)
瑞典(dian)Sweden2012年3月10日......(Tempo Documentary Festival)
希臘Greece2012年3月13日(ri)......(Thessaloniki Documentary Festival)
美國(guo)USA2012年(nian)3月(yue)26日......(New Directors/New Films)
法國France2012年(nian)3月29日......(Cinema du Reel Film Festival)
美國USA2012年(nian)4月(yue)......(Newport Beach International Film Festival)
加拿大Canada2012年(nian)4月29日......(Hot Docs International Documentary Festival)
波蘭Poland2012年5月15日......(Planete+ Doc Film Festival)
美國USA2012年5月(yue)30日......(New York City, New York)
日本Japan2012年6月18日......(TV premiere)
以色列Israel2012年7月9日......(Jerusalem Film Festival)
瑞(rui)士(shi)Switzerland2012年9月23日......(Zurich Film Festival)
法國France2012年9月(yue)30日......(Paris Printemps du Cinéma Arabe)
美(mei)國USA2012年(nian)10月18日......(Tallgrass Film Festival)
芬(fen)蘭Finland2013年2月25日......(TV premiere)