法蘭克·辛(xin)納屈(qu)出生于1915年(nian)12月12日,1939年(nian)起先(xian)后加入Harry James、Tommy Dorsey樂團擔任主唱,1942年(nian)以個人名義單(dan)飛開(kai)始了超過半世紀之久的演藝生涯。辛(xin)納屈(qu)先(xian)后創造了無數的暢銷單(dan)曲、專輯,得獎記錄亦(yi)不勝枚舉(ju),格萊(lai)美流行(xing)男歌手或(huo)傳統流行(xing)演唱獎多(duo)非他(ta)莫(mo)屬,1959、1965、66三次拿下年(nian)度專輯,1966年(nian)的"Strangers In The Night"同時是年(nian)度最佳單(dan)曲。50歲時,獲得了格萊(lai)美終身成就獎。
不(bu)僅歌唱方(fang)面,辛(xin)納屈自1941年(nian)(nian)投身于大銀幕(mu),五(wu)零年(nian)(nian)代(dai)逐漸成為劇情(qing)片中(zhong)要角,總計(ji)他(ta)在四零至六零年(nian)(nian)代(dai)參(can)與演(yan)出電影超過五(wu)十(shi)部(不(bu)含(han)音樂紀錄片),主(zhu)演(yan)類型包括動作、戰爭、懸疑、文藝…;1953年(nian)(nian)以《亂世(shi)忠魂》(《From Here To Eternity》)得(de)到(dao)奧斯卡最佳男(nan)配角;2001年(nian)(nian)上映(ying),由(you)喬治·克魯尼、布拉德(de)·皮(pi)特等多位大牌合演(yan)的(de)(de)《十(shi)一羅漢(han)》(《Ocean's Eleven》)正是辛(xin)納屈主(zhu)演(yan)1960年(nian)(nian)的(de)(de)舊片重(zhong)拍。1998年(nian)(nian)5月14日辛(xin)納屈因(yin)心(xin)臟病(bing)病(bing)逝,享年(nian)(nian)83歲。
The Platinum Collection
專輯(ji)英(ying)文名:The Platinum Collection
歌手(shou):Frank Sinatra 弗蘭克·西(xi)納特拉(la)資源格(ge)式:APE
得獎無數(shu)、能歌(ge)能演的全能藝(yi)人Frank Sinatra,曾演唱過多首經典歌(ge)曲。1998年去世的他,深受黑人爵士樂影響,擁有「白人爵士歌(ge)王」的美(mei)譽(yu)。其臺上的演唱更叫(jiao)萬(wan)千歌(ge)迷著迷。收(shou)錄了48首
這位傳奇歌手在Capitol Records時(shi)期的(de)出色作(zuo)品,包括"Come Fly With Me"、 "They Can‘t Take That Away From Me" 、 "My Funny Valentine" 和(he) "As Time Goes By"等。
Disc: 1
1. Come Fly With Me (Stereo)
2. Love And Marriage (Mono)
3. I've Got You Under My Skin (Mono)
4. Just One Of Those Things (Mono)
5. Witchcraft (Mono)
6. (Love Is) The Tender Trap (Mono)
7. That Old Black Magic (Stereo)
8. They Can't Take That Away From Me (Mono)
9. All The Way (Mono)
10. I've Got The World On A String (Mono)
11. Fools Rush In (Stereo)
12. Three Coins In The Fountain (Mono)
13. It's Nice To Go Trav'ling (Stereo)
14. I Love Paris (Stereo)
15. Chicago (Mono)
16. High Hopes (Stereo)
Disc: 2
1. Young At Heart (Mono)
2. I Get A Kick Out Of You (Mono)
3. Learnin' The Blues (Mono)
4. My Funny Valentine (Mono)
5. The Lady Is A Tramp (Mono)
6. Let's Get Away From It All (Stereo)
7. South Of The Border (Mono)
8. It Happened In Monterey (Mono)
9. You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To (Mono)
10. Come Dance With Me (Stereo)
11. September In The Rain (Stereo)
12. Cheek To Cheek (Stereo)
13. Moonlight In Vermont (Stereo)
14. Night And Day (Mono) I Could Have Danced All Night (Stereo)
Disc: 3
1. You Make Me Feel So Young (Mono)
2. Nice 'N' Easy (Stereo)
3. Here's That Rainy Day (Stereo)
4. Pennies From Heaven (Mono)
5. April In Paris (Stereo)
6. From Here To Eternity (Mono)
7. Someone To Watch Over Me (Mono)
8. In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning (Mono)
9. I Thought About You (Mono)
10. Too Marvellous For Words (Mono)
11. Autumn Leaves (Stereo)
12. Dancing In The Dark (Stereo)
13. All Of Me (Mono)
14. As Time Goes By (Stereo)
15. September Song (Stereo)
16. One For My Baby (Stereo)
Romance Songs from the Heart
專(zhuan)輯英文名(ming):Romance Songs from the Heart
歌手(shou):Frank Sinatra(弗蘭克·西納特拉)音樂風格:爵士(shi)
1935年(nian),從未受過正統音樂(le)訓(xun)練的(de)(de)弗蘭克·西納特拉,以他親切誠懇的(de)(de)嗓音和獨特的(de)(de)鄰(lin)家男孩氣質,獲(huo)得(de)了在電臺演唱(chang)的(de)(de)機會。1939年(nian),他正式加盟Sony唱(chang)片(pian)公司(si),隨Harry James的(de)(de)樂(le)團灌錄唱(chang)片(pian);到四十年(nian)代(dai)初(chu),與Tommy Dorsey的(de)(de)合作,奠定了他在爵士、流(liu)行(xing)演唱(chang)方面的(de)(de)事業基礎(chu),加上(shang)他風流(liu)倜儻的(de)(de)言行(xing)舉止更是讓他迅速(su)朝向電視電影三棲發展。
聆(ling)聽弗(fu)蘭克·西(xi)納(na)(na)特拉的(de)(de)(de)演唱,會發(fa)現他(ta)非(fei)常注(zhu)重運(yun)氣(qi)、咬字、發(fa)聲等技巧,這是因為(wei)他(ta)深受一代黑人爵士(shi)女(nv)伶Billie Holiday的(de)(de)(de)影響,多年浸淫(yin)在前人的(de)(de)(de)美(mei)妙音樂中加(jia)之自己(ji)的(de)(de)(de)辛勤(qin)努力,終于(yu)使自己(ji)擁有了(le)“白人爵士(shi)歌(ge)王”的(de)(de)(de)贊美(mei)和榮耀(yao)。在弗(fu)蘭克·西(xi)納(na)(na)特拉演唱時(shi)標志(zhi)性的(de)(de)(de)輕松怡(yi)然的(de)(de)(de)神(shen)態的(de)(de)(de)背后其實(shi)飽含著他(ta)辛勤(qin)的(de)(de)(de)汗水。
1. I've Got You Under My Skin (2006 Digital Remaster) 3:43
2. Time After Time (2006 Digital Remaster) 3:28
3. Day By Day (2006 Digital Remaster) 2:37
4. All The Way (2006 Digital Remaster) 2:52
5. Too Marvelous For Words (2006 Digital Remaster) 2:28
6. My Funny Valentine (2006 Digital Remaster) 2:32
7. Love Is Here To Stay (2006 Digital Remaster) 2:40
8. I've Got A Crush On You (2006 Digital Remaster) 2:17
9. Cheek To Cheek (2006 Digital Remaster) 3:06
10. Try A Little Tenderness (2006 Digital Remaster) 3:21
11. I Wish I Were In Love Again (2006 Digital Remaster) 2:27
12. Angel Eyes (2006 Digital Remaster) 3:44
13. In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning (2006 Digital Remaster) 3:00
14. As Time Goes By (2006 Digital Remaster) 3:19
15. At Long Last Lov
e (2006 Digital Remaster) 2:24
16. I'll Be Seeing You (2006 Digital Remaster) 2:47
17. Almost Like Being In Love (2006 Digital Remaster) 2:01
18. Embraceable You (2006 Digital Remaster) 3:23
19. Nice 'N' Easy (Alternate Take Previously Unreleased) 2:43
20. Where Or When (2006 Digital Remaster) 2:32
21. If You Are But A Dream (2006 Digital Remaster) 3:54
Sinatra 80th: All The Best
專輯英文名:Sinatra 80th: All The Best
歌手:Frank Sinatra 弗(fu)蘭克·西納特拉(la)資源格式:APE
Frank Sinatra弗蘭(lan)克·西(xi)納(na)特拉與1995年(nian)末出版的(de)(de)一套(tao)雙張精(jing)選專輯。雖然號稱(cheng)是80年(nian)代精(jing)選,但是只要你任意的(de)(de)聽過(guo)其(qi)(qi)(qi)中(zhong)一首曲(qu)目就不難發現,其(qi)(qi)(qi)實其(qi)(qi)(qi)中(zhong)深深地打(da)上了(le)50年(nian)代美(mei)國大都(dou)會(hui)音(yin)樂的(de)(de)烙印(yin)!
弗(fu)蘭克·西(xi)納特拉﹙Frank Sinatra﹚,這位集(ji)歌手、演員、電(dian)(dian)臺、電(dian)(dian)視節目主持(chi)人(ren)、唱片(pian)(pian)公司老(lao)板等多重身(shen)份的(de)全能娛樂家,受到全球樂迷擁(yong)戴(dai)及喜愛。當然他最令(ling)人(ren)稱羨的(de)成就還是(shi)在他的(de)歌唱事業上(shang)。他維持(chi)著半個世(shi)紀的(de)唱片(pian)(pian)銷(xiao)(xiao)售(shou)長(chang)紅(hong),甚至(zhi)一直到他1998年(nian)5月14日辭世(shi)后,他所灌錄的(de)唱片(pian)(pian)仍舊是(shi)市場上(shang)的(de)暢銷(xiao)(xiao)熱賣品。
1935年,從未受過正(zheng)統音(yin)樂(le)訓練的弗蘭克(ke)·西納特拉,以他親(qin)切誠(cheng)懇的嗓音(yin)和獨特的鄰家男孩氣(qi)質(zhi),獲得(de)了(le)在電(dian)臺演(yan)唱的機會。1939年,他正(zheng)式加盟Sony唱片公(gong)司(si),隨Harry James的樂(le)團(tuan)灌錄唱片;到四十年代初,與(yu)Tommy Dorsey的合作(zuo),奠定(ding)了(le)他在爵士、流行演(yan)唱方面(mian)的事業(ye)基礎,加上他風流倜儻的言行舉止更是讓他迅速(su)朝向(xiang)電(dian)視電(dian)影(ying)三棲發展(zhan)。
聆聽西納特(te)拉的(de)演(yan)唱,會(hui)發現他非(fei)常注重(zhong)運氣、咬字(zi)、發聲等技(ji)巧,這(zhe)是(shi)因為(wei)他深受一代黑(hei)人爵(jue)士女伶Billie Holiday的(de)影響,多年浸淫在(zai)前人的(de)美(mei)妙音(yin)樂中加之自(zi)己(ji)(ji)的(de)辛(xin)勤努力(li),終于使自(zi)己(ji)(ji)擁有了(le)“白人爵(jue)士歌(ge)王”的(de)贊美(mei)和榮耀。在(zai)弗蘭克·西納特(te)拉演(yan)唱時標(biao)志性的(de)輕松怡然的(de)神(shen)態(tai)的(de)背后其實飽含著他辛(xin)勤的(de)汗(han)水。
1.Lean Baby
2.I'm Walking Behind You
3.I've Got The World On A String
4.From Here To Eternity
5.South Of The Border
6.Young At Heart
7.Three Coins In The Fountain
8.Come Fly With Me
9.Someone To Watch Over Me
10.Melody Of Love
11.Night And Day
12.Learnin' The Blues
13.Same Old Saturday Night
14.Love And Marriage
15.Impatient Years,The
16.Tender Trap,(Love Is) The
17.How Little We Know,(How Little It Matters)
18.Wait For Me
19.Lady Is A Tramp,The
20.Well Did You Evah? - (with Bing Crosby)
The Complete
專輯中文名:The Complete Reprise Studio Recordings
歌手:Frank Sinatra版本:20CD[APE/MP3]
專輯(ji)名稱(cheng):The Complete Reprise Studio Recordings
專輯(ji)歌手:Frank Sinatra
壓縮比率:128Kbps[MP3] + 無損[APE]
如CD的(de)(de)標(biao)題,這(zhe)一組(zu)(zu)是(shi)用(yong)來(lai)記(ji)錄Sinatra一生的(de)(de)所(suo)有歌曲(qu),雖然只是(shi)缺少了(le)那49秒的(de)(de)"I'm Getting Sentimental Over You (Reprise)"。這(zhe)組(zu)(zu)CD是(shi)Sinatra由此以來(lai)的(de)(de)最大(da)搜(sou)集,包括了(le)452首歌曲(qu)在20CD里。
As the title implies,the set claims to contain every song ever recorded in the studio during Sinatra's career with Reprise Records,but strangely misses the 49-second "I'm Getting Sentimental Over You (Reprise)" included as the closing track from the 1961 album I Remember Tommy and also leaves off a remake of Body and Soul and Leave It All To Me,a song written by Paul Anka,in addition to several alternate versions of songs included in the set. The set is the largest ever released for Sinatra to-date,containing 452 tracks on twenty compact discs.
Disc 1
1. "Ring-A-Ding-Ding" (Jimmy Van Heusen,Sammy Cahn) - 2:44
2. "Let's Fall in Love" (Harold Arlen,Ted Koehler) - 2:11
3. "In the Still of the Night" (Cole Porter) - 3:25
4. "A Foggy Day" (George Gershwin,Ira Gershwin) - 2:17
5. "Let's Face the Music and Dance" (Irving Berlin) - 2:58
6. "You'd Be So Easy to Love" (Porter) - 2:24
7. "A Fine Romance" (Jerome Kern,Dorothy Fields) - 2:11
8. "The Coffee Song" (Bob Hilliard,Dick Miles) - 2:51
9. "Be Careful,It's My Heart" (Berlin) - 2:04
10. "I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm" (Berlin) - 2:52
11. "Zing! Went the Strings of My Heart" (James F. Hanley) - 2:48
12. "You and the Night and the Music" (Arthur Schwartz,Howard Dietz) - 2:36
13. "When I Take My Sugar to Tea" (Irving Kahal,Sammy Fain,Pierre Norman) - 2:05
14. "The Last Dance" (Van Heusen,Cahn) - 2:46
15. "The Second Time Around" (Van Heusen,Cahn) - 3:03
16. "Tina" (Van Heusen,Cahn) - 2:56
17. "In the Blue of Evening" (Tom Montgomery,Tom Adair,Al D'Artega) – 4:03
18. "I'll Be Seeing You" (Fain,Kahal) – 2:49
19. "I'm Getting Sentimental Over You" (George Bassman,Ned Washington) – 3:42
20. "Imagination" (Johnny Burke,Van Heusen) – 3:05
21. "Take Me" (Rube Bloom,David) – 2:19
22. "Without a Song" (Vincent Youmans,Billy Rose,Edward Eliscu) – 3:39
23. "Polka Dots and Moonbeams" (Burke,Van Heusen) – 3:43
24. "Daybreak" (Ferde Grofe,Harold Adamson) – 2:43
25. "The One I Love Belongs to Somebody Else" (Isham Jones,Gus Kahn) - 2:49
Disc 2
1. "There Are Such Things" (George W. Meyer,Stanley Adams,Abel Baer) – 3:13
2. "It's Always You" (Burke,Van Heusen) - 2:48
3. "It Started All Over Again" (Bill Carey,Carl Fischer) - 2:31
4. "East of the Sun (And West of the Moon)" (Brooks Bowman)
5. "The Curse of an Aching Heart" (Henry Fink,Al Piantadosi) – 2:06
6. "Love Walked In" (G. Gershwin,I. Gershwin) – 2:19
7. "Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone" (Sidney Clare,Sam H. Stept) – 2:56
8. "Have You Met Miss Jones?" (Richard Rodgers,Lorenz Hart) – 2:30
9. "Don't Be That Way" (Benny Goodman,Mitchell Parish,Edgar Sampson) – 2:41
10. "I Never Knew" (Ted Fio Rito,Kahn) – 2:14
11. "Falling in Love with Love" (Rodgers,Hart) – 1:49
12. "It's a Wonderful World" (Adamson,Jan Savitt,Johnny Watson) – 2:17
13. "Don't Cry Joe" (Joe Marsala) – 3:05
14. "You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You" (James Cavanaugh,Russ Morgan,Larry Stock) – 4:09
15. "Moonlight on the Ganges" (Sherman Myers,Chester Wallace) – 3:18
16. "Granada" (Dorothy Dodd,Agustín Lara) – 3:38
17. "As You Desire Me" (Allie Wurbel) - 2:52
18. "Stardust" (Hoagy Carmichael,Parish) – 2:48
19. "Yesterdays" (Otto Harbach,Kern) – 3:45
20. "I Hadn't Anyone Till You" (Ray Noble) – 3:44
21. "It Might as Well Be Spring" (Rodgers,Oscar Hammerstein Ⅱ) – 3:15
22. "Prisoner of Love" (Russ Columbo,Leo Robin,Clarence Gaskill) – 3:50
23. "That's All" (Bob Haymes,Alan Brandt) – 3:21
24. "Don't Take Your Love From Me" (Henry Nemo) - 4:05
Disc 3
1. "Misty" (Erroll Garner,Burke) – 2:41
2. "Come Rain or Come Shine" (Arlen,Johnny Mercer) – 4:06
3. "Night and Day" (Porter) – 3:37
4. "All or Nothing at All" (Jack Lawrence,Arthur Altman) – 3:43
5. "Pocketful of Miracles" (Cahn,Van Heusen) – 2:39
6. "Name It and It's Yours" (Cahn,Van Heusen) – 3:14
7. "The Song is Ended (but the Melody Lingers On)" (Berlin) – 3:25
8. "All Alone" (Berlin) – 2:42
9. "Charmaine" (Ern? Rapeé,Lew Pollack) – 3:17
10. "When I Lost You" (Berlin) – 3:43
11. "Remember" (Berlin) – 3:23
12. "Together" (B.G. DeSylva,Lew Brown,Ray Henderson,Stephen Ballantine) – 3:21
13. "The Girl Next Door" (Hugh Martin,Ralph Blane) – 3:18
Disc 4
1. "I'm Beginning to See the Light" (Johnny Hodges,Harry James,Duke Ellington,Don George) – 2:34
2. "I Get a Kick Out of You" (Porter) – 3:14
3. "Ain't She Sweet" (Milton Ager,Jack Yellen) – 2:07
4. "I Love You" (Porter) – 2:16
5. "They Can't Take That Away from Me" (G. Gershwin,I. Gershwin) – 2:41
6. "Love Is Just around the Corner" (Lewis E. Gensler,Robin) – 2:27
7. "At Long Last Love" (Porter) – 2:14
8. "Serenade In Blue" (Harry Warren,Mack Gordon) – 2:58
9. "Goody Goody" (Mercer,Matty Malneck) – 1:47
10. "Don'cha Go 'Way Mad" (Jimmy Mundy,Al Stillman,Illinois Jacquet) – 3:12
11. "Tangerine" (Victor Schertzinger,Mercer) – 2:03
12. "Pick Yourself Up" (Kern,Fields) – 2:33
13. "If I Had You" (Jimmy Campbell,Reginald Connelly,Ted Shapiro) – 4:07
14. "The Very Thought of You" (Noble) – 3:34
15. "I'll Follow My Secret Heart" (Noel Coward) – 3:16
16. "A Garden in the Rain" (James Dyrenforth,Carroll Gibbons) – 3:24
17. "London by Night" (Carroll Coates) – 3:20
18. "The Gypsy" (Billy Reid) – 3:21
19. "Roses of Picardy" (Frederic E. Weatherly,Hayden Wood) – 3:01
20. "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" (Eric Maschwitz,Manning Sherwin) – 3:54
21. "We'll Meet Again" (Hughie Charles,Ross Parker) – 3:44
22. "Now Is the Hour" (Maewa Kaihan,Clemnet Scott,Dorothy Stewart) – 2:51
23. "We'll Gather Lilacs in the Spring" (Ivor Novello) – 3:15
24. "The Look of Love" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 2:44
25. "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" (George Cory,Douglass Cross) - 2:54
Disc 5
1. "Nice Work If You Can Get It" (G. Gershwin,I. Gershwin) – 2:37
2. "Please Be Kind" (Saul Chaplin,Cahn) – 2:43
3. "I Won't Dance" (Kern,Jimmy McHugh,Hammerstein,Fields,Harbach) – 4:07
4. "Learnin' the Blues" (Dolores Vicki Silvers) – 4:25
5. "I'm Gonna Sit Right Down (And Write Myself a Letter)" (Fred Ahlert,Joe Young) – 2:36
6. "I Only Have Eyes for You" (Warren,Al Dubin) – 3:31
7. "My Kind of Girl" (Leslie Bricusse) – 4:37
8. "Pennies from Heaven" (Arthur Johnston,Burke) – 3:29
9. "(Love Is) The Tender Trap" (Cahn,Van Heusen) – 2:37
10. "Looking at the World Through Rose Colored Glasses" (Jimmy Steiger,Tommy Malie) – 2:32
11. "Me and My Shadow" (Dave Dreyer,Al Jolson,Billy Rose) - 3:06 (with Sammy Davis,Jr.)
12. "Come Blow Your Horn" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 3:08
13. "Call Me Irresponsible" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 2:56
Disc 6
1. "Soliloquy" (Rodgers,Hammerstein) – 8:05
2. "You Brought a New Kind of Love to Me"
3. "In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning" (David Mann,Bob Hilliard) – 2:43
4. "Nancy (With the Laughing Face)" (Phil Silvers,Van Heusen) – 3:37
5. "Young at Heart" (Leigh,Johnny Richards) – 2:54
6. "The Second Time Around" (Cahn,Van Heusen) – 3:03
7. "All the Way" (Cahn,Van Heusen) – 3:27
8. "Witchcraft" (Cy Coleman,Carolyn Leigh) – 2:37
9. "(How Little It Matters) How Little We Know" (Leigh,Phil Springer) – 2:19
10. "Put Your Dreams Away (For Another Day)" (Paul Mann,Weiss,Ruth Lowe) – 3:12
11. "I've Got You Under My Skin" (Porter) – 3:26
12. "Oh! What It Seemed to Be" (Bennie Benjamin,George David Weiss,Frankie Carle) – 2:45
13. "We Open in Venice" (Porter) - 2:13 (with Dean Martin and Sammy Davis,Jr.)
Disc 7
1. "Luck Be a Lady" (Loesser) - 5:18
2. "Fugue for Tinhorns" (Loesser) - 1:31 (with Bing Crosby and Dean Martin)
3. "The Oldest Established (Permanent Floating Crap Game in New York)" (Loesser) - 2:33 (with B.Crosby and D.Martin)
4. "Here's to the Losers" (Jack Segal,Robert Wells) - 3:04
5. "Love Isn't Just for the Young" (Bernie Knee) - 2:57
6. "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" (Hugh Martin,Ralph Blane) - 3:54
7. "Talk to Me Baby" (Robert E. Dolan,Mercer) - 2:58
8. "Stay With Me (Main Theme from The Cardinal)" (Carolyn Leigh,Jerome Moross) - 3:04
9. "Early American" (Burke,Van Heusen) - 3:34
10. "The House I Live In" (Lewis Allan,Earl Robinson) – 3:39
11. "You're a Lucky Fellow,Mr. Smith" (Francis Burke,Hughie Prince,Don Raye) - 3:46
12. "The Way You Look Tonight" (Kern,Fields)- 3:22
13. "Three Coins in the Fountain" (Cahn,Jule Styne) - 3:46
14. "Swinging on a Star" (Burke,Van Heusen) - 2:53
15. "The Continental" (Herb Magidson,Con Conrad) - 3:14
16. "In the Cool,Cool,Cool of the Evening" (Mercer,Carmichael) - 1:51
17. "It Might as Well Be Spring" (Rodgers,Hammerstein) - 3:26
18. "Secret Love" (Paul Francis Webster,Fain) - 3:54
19. "Moon River" (Henry Mancini,Mercer) - 3:20
20. "Days of Wine and Roses" (Mancini,Mercer) - 2:16
21. "Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing" (Webster,Fain) - 3:22
22. "Let Us Break Bread Together" (Roy Ringwald) - 3:39
23. "You Never Had It So Good" (Cahn,Van Heusen) – 3:01
Disc 8
1. "I Can't Believe I'm Losing You" (Don Costa,Phil Zeller) – 2:43
2. "My Kind of Town" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 3:09
3. "I Like to Lead When I Dance" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 4:07
4. "Style" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 4:28
5. "Mister Booze" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 5:01
6. "Don't Be a Do-Badder (Finale)" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 1:16
7. "The Best is Yet to Come" (Coleman,Leigh) – 3:10
8. "I Wanna Be Around" (Mercer,Sadie Vimmerstedt) – 2:25
9. "I Believe in You" (Loesser) – 2:21
10. "Fly Me to the Moon" (Bart Howard) – 2:30
11. "Hello,Dolly!" (Jerry Herman) – 2:45
12. "The Good Life" (Sacha Distel,Jack Reardon) – 3:10
13. "I Wish You Love" (Léo Chauliac,Charles Trenet,Albert Beach) – 2:56
14. "I Can't Stop Loving You" (Don Gibson) – 3:00
15. "More (Theme From Mondo Cane)" (Riz Ortolani,Nino Oliviero,Marcello Ciorciolini,Norman Newell) – 3:05
16. "Wives and Lovers" (Burt Bacharach,Hal David) – 2:50
17. "An Old-Fashioned Christmas" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 3:45
18. "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,Johnny Marks) - 2:36
Disc 9
1. "Pass Me By" (Coleman,Leigh) – 2:25
2. "Emily" (Johnny Mandel,Mercer) – 2:58
3. "Dear Heart" (Jay Livingston,Ray Evans,Mancini) – 2:43
4. "Somewhere in Your Heart" (Russell Faith,Clarence Keltner) - 2:29
5. "Any Time at All" (Baker Knight) - 2:22
6. "Don't Wait Too Long" (Sunny Skylar) – 3:04
7. "September Song" (Weill,Anderson) – 3:30
8. "Last Night When We Were Young" (Arlen,Harburg) – 3:33
9. "Hello,Young Lovers" (Rodgers,Hammerstein) – 3:41
10. "I See It Now" (Alec Wilder,William Engvick) – 2:50
11. "When the Wind Was Green" (Henry Stinson) – 3:22
12. "Once Upon a Time" (Charles Strouse,Lee Adams) – 3:30
13. "How Old Am I?" (Gordon Jenkins) – 3:30
14. "It Was a Very Good Year" (Ervin Drake) – 4:25
15. "The Man in the Looking Glass" (Howard) – 3:25
16. "This Is All I Ask" (Jenkins) – 3:03
17. "It Gets Lonely Early" (Van Heusen,Cahn) – 2:57
18. "The September of My Years" (Van Heusen,Cahn) – 3:12
19. "Tell Her (You Love Her Each Day)" (Gil Ward,Charles Watkins) 242
20. "When Somebody Loves You" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 1:54
21. "Forget Domani" (Newell,Ortolani) - 2:36
22. "Ev'rybody Has the Right to Be Wrong! (At Least Once)" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 2:07
23. "I'll Only Miss Her When I Think of Her" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 2:52
24. "Golden Moment" (Kenny Jacobson,Rhoda Roberts) - 2:57
Disc 10
1. "Come Fly with Me" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 3:11
2. "I'll Never Smile Again" (Ruth Lowe) - 2:14
3. "Moment to Moment" (Mancini,Mercer) - 2:57
4. "Love and Marriage" (Cahn,Van Heusen) - 2:12
5. "Moon Song" (Sam Coslow,Johnston) – 3:03
6. "Moon Love" (M. David,André Kostelanetz) – 4:14
7. "The Moon Got In My Eyes" (Burke,Johnston) – 2:52
8. "Moonlight Serenade" (Glenn Miller,Parish) – 3:26
9. "Reaching for the Moon" (Berlin) – 3:05
10. "I Wished on the Moon" (Dorothy Parker,Ralph Rainger) – 2:53
11. "Moonlight Becomes You" (Burke,Van Heusen) – 2:46
12. "Moonlight Mood" (Adamson,Peter DeRose) – 3:08
13. "Oh,You Crazy Moon" (Burke,Van Heusen) – 3:12
14. "The Moon Was Yellow (And The Night Was Young)" (Ahlert,Edgar Leslie) – 3:04
15. "Strangers in the Night" (Bert Kaempfert,Charles Singleton,Eddie Snyder) – 2:25
16. "My Baby Just Cares for Me" (Walter Donaldson,Gus Kahn) – 2:30
17. "Yes Sir,That's My Baby" (Donaldson,Kahn) – 2:08
18. "You're Driving Me Crazy!" (Donaldson) – 2:15
19. "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World" (Rodgers,Hart) – 2:24
20. "Summer Wind" (Heinz Meier,Hans Bradtke,Mercer) – 2:53
21. "All or Nothing at All" – 3:57
22. "Call Me" (Tony Hatch) – 3:07
23. "On a Clear Day (You Can See Forever)" (Alan Jay Lerner,Frederick Loewe) – 3:17
24. "Downtown" (Hatch) – 2:14
Disc 11
1. "That's Life" (Kelly Gordon,Dean Kay Thompson) – 3:10
2. "Give Her Love" (Jim Harbert) - 2:14
3. "What Now My Love" (Gilbert Bécaud,Pierre Leroyer,Carl Sigman) – 2:32
4. "Somewhere My Love (Lara's Theme)" (From Doctor Zhivago) (Maurice Jarre,Webster) – 2:19
5. "Winchester Cathedral" (Geoff Stephens) – 2:38
6. "I Will Wait for You" (Jacques Demy,Norman Gimbel,Michel Legrand) – 2:19
7. "You're Gonna Hear from Me" (Andre Previn,Dory Previn) – 2:51
8. "Sand and Sea" (Gilbert Bécaud,M. David,Maurice Vidalin) – 2:29
9. "The Impossible Dream (The Quest)" (Joe Darion,Mitch Leigh) – 2:34
10. "Baubles,Bangles and Beads" (Robert Wright,George Forrest,Alexander Borodin) – 2:32
11. "I Concentrate on You" (Porter) – 2:32
12. "Dindi" (Ray Gilbert,Antonio Carlos Jobim,Aloysio de Oliveria) – 3:25
13. "Change Partners" (Berlin) – 2:40
14. "Corcovado (Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars)" (Jobim,Gene Lees) – 2:45
15. "If You Never Come to Me (Inútil Paisagen)" (Jobim,Gilbert,de Oliveira) – 2:10
16. "The Girl from Ipanema" (Jobim,Gimbel,de Moraes) – 3:00
17. "Meditation (Medita??o)" (Jobim,Gimbel,Newton Mendon?a) – 2:51
18. "Once I Loved (O Amor em Paz)" (Jobim,Gilbert,de Moraes) – 2:37
19. "How Insensitive (Insensatez)" (Jobim,Gimbel,de Moraes) – 3:15
20. "Drinking Again" (Mercer,Doris Tauber) – 3:13
21. "Somethin' Stupid" (Carson C. Parks) – 2:45 (with Nancy Sinatra)
22. "You Are There" (Harry Sukman,Webster) – 3:31
23. "The World We Knew (Over and Over)" (Kaempfert,Herb Rehbein,Sigman) – 2:50
24. "Born Free" (Don Black,John Barry) – 2:05
25. "This Is My Love" (James Harbert) – 3:37
Disc 12
1. "This Is My Song" (Charles Chaplin) – 2:30
2. "Don't Sleep in the Subway" (Hatch,Jackie Trent) – 2:22
3. "Some Enchanted Evening" – 2:34
4. "This Town" (Lee Hazlewood) – 3:05
5. "Younger Than Springtime" (Rodgers,Hammerstein) - 2:42
6. "All I Need Is the Girl" (Stephen Sondheim,Styne) – 5:01
7. "Yellow Days" (Alarcon Carrillo,Alan Bernstein) – 5:00
8. "Indian Summer" (Victor Herbert,Dubin) – 4:14
9. "Come Back to Me" (Lane,Lerner) – 3:22
10. "Poor Butterfly" (Raymond Hubbell,John Golden) – 4:29
11. "Sunny" (Bobby Hebb) – 4:15
12. "I Like the Sunrise" (Ellington) – 5:02
13. "Follow Me" (Lerner,Loewe) – 3:56
14. "My Way of Life" (Kaempfert,Rehbein,Sigman) – 3:05
Disc 13
1. "Blue Lace" (Bill Jacob,Patty Jacob,Ortolani) – 2:43
2. "Star!" (Cahn,Van Heusen) – 2:34
3. "Gentle On My Mind" (John Hartford) – 3:25
4. "By the Time I Get to Phoenix" (Webb) – 3:55
5. "Little Green Apples" (Bobby Russell) – 5:00
6. "Moody River" (Gary D. Bruce) – 2:33
7. "Pretty Colors" (Al Gorgoni,Chip Taylor) – 2:35
8. "Rain in My Heart" (Teddy Randazzo,Victoria Pike) – 3:20
9. "Wandering" (Caldwell) – 2:45
10. "Both Sides Now" (Joni Mitchell) – 2:55
11. "My Way" (Paul Anka,Claude Fran?ois,Jacques Revaux,Gilles Thibault) – 4:35
12. "One Note Samba (Samba de Uma Nota Só)" (Jobim,Mendon?a) – 2:20
13. "Don't Ever Go Away (Por Causa de Voce)" (Gilbert,Delores Duran,Jobim) – 2:28
14. "Wave" (Jobim) – 3:25
15. "Bonita" (Gilbert,Jobim,Lees) - 3:39
16. "Someone to Light up My Life (Se Todos Fossem Iguais A Você)" (de Moraes,Jobim,Lees) – 2:37
17. "Desafinado" (Hendricks,Jobim,Mendon?a) – 3:00
18. "Water to Drink (Agua de Beber)" (de Moraes,Jobim,Gimbel) – 2:35
19. "The Song of the Sabiá (Sabiá)" (Jobim,Chico Buarque,Gimbel) - 3:38
20. "This Happy Madness (Estrada Branca)" (de Moraes,Jobim,Lees) – 2:57
21. "Triste" (Jobim) – 2:40
Disc 14
1. "All My Tomorrows" (Cahn,Van Heusen) – 4:35
2. "Didn't We" (Webb) – 2:55
3. "Manh? De Carnaval (A Day in the Life of a Fool)" (Luiz Bonfá,Sigman) – 3:00
4. "Yesterday" (John Lennon,Paul McCartney) – 3:30
5. "If You Go Away" (Jacques Brel,Rod McKuen) – 3:30
6. "Watch What Happens" (Gimbel,Legrand) – 2:17
7. "For Once in My Life" (Ron Miller,Orlando Murden) – 2:50
8. "Mrs. Robinson" (Paul Simon) – 2:55
9. "Hallelujah,I Love Her So" (Ray Charles) – 2:47
10. "I've Been to Town" (Rod McKuen) – 3:13
11. "Empty Is" (McKuen) – 2:46
12. "The Single Man" (McKuen) – 3:01
13. "Lonesome Cities" (McKuen) – 3:18
14. "The Beautiful Strangers" (McKuen) – 2:41
15. "A Man Alone" (McKuen) – 3:47
16. "Love's Been Good to Me" (McKuen) – 3:27
17. "Out Beyond the Window" (McKuen) – 2:45
18. "Night" (McKuen) – 2:25
19. "Some Traveling Music" (McKuen) – 2:36
20. "From Promise to Promise" (McKuen) – 1:31
21. "A Man Alone (Reprise)" – 1:30
22. "In the Shadow of the Moon" (Earl Brown,Heinz Keissling) - 2:55
23. "Forget to Remember" (Victoria Pike,Teddy Randazzo) - 2:58
24. "Goin' Out of My Head" (Randazzo,Bobby Weinstein) - 2:45
Disc 15
1. "I Would Be in Love (Anyway)" (Bob Gaudio,Jake Holmes) – 2:31
2. "The Train" (Gaudio,Holmes) – 3:26
3. "She Says" (Gaudio,Holmes) – 1:51
4. "Lady Day" (Gaudio,Holmes) – 2:47
5. "Watertown" (Gaudio,Holmes) – 3:36
6. "What's Now Is Now" (Gaudio,Holmes) – 4:04
7. "Goodbye (She Quietly Says)" (Gaudio,Holmes) – 3:06
8. "What a Funny Girl (You Used to Be)" (Gaudio,Holmes) – 3:00
9. "Elizabeth" (Gaudio,Holmes) – 3:38
10. "Michael and Peter" (Gaudio,Holmes) – 5:10
11. "For a While" (Gaudio,Holmes) – 3:09
12. "Lady Day" – 3:41
13. "I Will Drink the Wine" (Paul Ryan) – 3:30
14. "Bein' Green" (Joe Raposo) – 3:00
15. "My Sweet Lady" (John Denver) – 3:01
16. "Sunrise in the Morning" (Ryan) – 2:50
17. "I'm Not Afraid" (Jacques Brel,Gérard Jouannest,McKuen) - 3:39
18. "Something" (George Harrison) - 3:32
19. "Leaving on a Jet Plane" (Denver) – 2:25
20. "(They Long to Be) Close to You" (Bacharach,H. David) – 2:34
21. "Feelin' Kinda Sunday" (Nino Tempo,Annette Tucker,Kathy Wakefield) - 2:52
22. "Life's a Trippy Thing" (Howard Greenfield,Linda Laurie) - 2:42
23. "The Game Is Over" (Denver)
Disc 16
1. "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" (Sonny Bono) - 3:37
2. "You Will Be My Music" (Raposo) – 3:52
3. "Noah" (Raposo) – 4:22
4. "Nobody Wins" (Kris Kristofferson) – 5:10
5. "The Hurt Doesn't Go Away" (Raposo) – 2:51
6. "Winners" (Raposo) – 2:53
7. "Let Me Try Again" ("Laisse Moi le Temps") (Anka,Cahn,Michel Jourdon) – 3:31
8. "Walk Away" (Elmer Bernstein,Leigh) - 2:57
9. "Send in the Clowns" (Sondheim) – 4:10
10. "There Used to Be a Ballpark" (Raposo) – 3:34
11. "You're So Right (For What's Wrong In My Life)" (Pike,Randazzo,Roger Joyce) – 4:03
12. "Dream Away" (John Williams,Paul Williams) – 4:22
13. "Bad,Bad Leroy Brown" (Jim Croce) – 2:49
14. "I'm Gonna Make It All the Way" (Floyd Huddleston) – 2:54
15. "Empty Tables" (Mercer,Van Heusen) - 3:03
16. "If" (David Gates) – 3:10
17. "The Summer Knows" (A. Bergman,M. Bergman,Legrand) – 2:44
18. "Sweet Caroline" (Neil Diamond) – 2:44
19. "You Turned My World Around" (Kaempfert,Rehbein,Kim Carnes,Dave Ellingson) – 2:50
20. "What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?" (A. Bergman,M. Bergman,Legrand) – 4:05
21. "Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Ole Oak Tree" (Russell Brown,Irwin Levine) – 3:07
22. "Satisfy Me One More Time" (Huddleston) – 2:22
Disc 17
1. "You Are the Sunshine of My Life" (Stevie Wonder) – 2:37
2. "Just As Though You Were Here" (John Benson Brooks,Eddie DeLange) - 4:23
3. "Everything Happens to Me" (Adair,Matt Dennis) - 3:43
4. "Anytime (I'll Be There)" (Anka) - 3:21
5. "The Only Couple on the Floor"(Irving Daine,Johnny Durrill) - 3:11
6. "I Believe I'm Gonna Love You" (Harry Lloyd,Gloria Sklerov) - 2:48
7. "The Saddest Thing of All" (M. Legrand,Pierre Leroyer,Edward Ruault,Sigman) - 3:29
8. "A Baby Just Like You" (Denver,Joe Henry) - 2:47
9. "Christmas Memories" (A. Bergman,M. Bergman,Costa) - 2:09
10. "I Sing the Songs (I Write the Songs)" (Bruce Johnston) - 3:51
11. "Empty Tables" (Mercer,Van Heusen) - 2:48
12. "Send in the Clowns" - 3:39
13. "The Best Time I Ever Had" (Danny Hice,Ruby Hice) - 1:57
14. "Stargazer" (Diamond) - 2:58
15. "Dry Your Eyes" (Diamond,Robbie Robertson) - 3:02
16. "Like a Sad Song" (Denver) - 4:12
17. "I Love My Wife" (Coleman,Michael Stewart) - 3:10
18. "Night and Day" - 2:11
19. "All or Nothing at All" - 2:36
20. "Everybody Ought to Be in Love" (Anka) - 3:19
21. "Nancy (With the Laughing Face)" - 2:29
22. "Emily" - 2:59
23. "Linda" (Lawrence) - 2:44
24. "Sweet Lorraine" (Carter Burwell,Parish) - 2:22
Disc 18
1. "Barbara" (David,Van Heusen) - 3:14
2. "I Had the Craziest Dream" (Gordon,Warren) – 3:13
3. "It Had to Be You" (Jones,Kahn) – 3:53
4. "You and Me (We Wanted It All)" (Carole Bayer Sager,Peter Allen) – 4:07
5. "MacArthur Park" (Webb) – 2:45
6. "Summer Me,Winter Me" (M. Bergman,A. Bergman,Legrand) – 4:02
7. "That's What God Looks Like to Me" (Lois Irwin,Lan O’Kun) – 2:55
8. "For the Good Times" (Kristofferson) – 4:41
9. "Love Me Tender" (Vera Matson,Elvis Presley) – 3:34
10. "Just the Way You Are" (Billy Joel) – 3:26
11. "Song Sung Blue" (Diamond) – 2:47
12. "Isn't She Lovely?" (Stevie Wonder) - 2:04
13. "My Shining Hour" (Arlen,Mercer) – 3:21
14. "All of You" (Porter) – 1:42
15. "More Than You Know" (Rose,Eliscu,Youmans) – 3:22
16. "The Song Is You" (Kern,Hammerstein) – 2:39
17. "But Not for Me" (G. Gershwin,I. Gershwin) – 3:50
18. "Street of Dreams" (Sam M. Lewis,Victor Young) – 3:32
19. "They All Laughed" (G. Gershwin,I. Gershwin) – 2:49
20. "Let's Face the Music and Dance" – 2:50
21. "Theme from New York,New York" (Fred Ebb,John Kander) – 3:26
22. "Something" – 4:42
Disc 19
1. "What Time Does the Next Miracle Leave?" (Jenkins) – 10:44
2. "World War None!" (Jenkins) – 4:27
3. "The Future" (Jenkins) – 4:05
4. "The Future (Continued): I've Been There" (Jenkins) – 3:33
5. "The Future (Conclusion): Song Without Words" (Jenkins) – 6:00
6. "Finale: Before the Music Ends" (Jenkins) – 9:46
7. "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" - 3:24
8. "Everything Happens to Me" - 4:11
9. Medley: "The Gal That Got Away"/"It Never Entered My Mind" (Arlen,I. Gershwin)/(Hart,Rodgers) - 5:05
10. "Thanks for the Memory" (Robin,Rainger) - 4:25
11. "I Loved Her" (Jenkins) - 4:04
12. "A Long Night" (Wilder,Loonis McGlohon) - 3:44
13. "South - To a Warmer Place" (Wilder,McGlohon) - 3:45
14. "Say Hello!" (Richard Behrke,Cahn) - 2:25
15. "Good Thing Going (Going Gone)" (Stephen Sondheim) - 3:53
Disc 20
1. "Monday Morning Quarterback" (Costa,Pamela Phillips-Oland) - 4:38
2. "Hey Look,No Cryin'" (Styne,Susan Birkenhead) - 4:27
3. "To Love a Child" (H. David,Raposo) - 3:21
4. "Love Makes Us Whatever We Want to Be" (Cahn,Styne) - 2:39
5. "Searching" (Cahn,Styne) - 3:47
6. "Here's to the Band" (Sharman Howe,Alfred Nittoli,Artie Schroeck) - 4:11
7. "All The Way Home" (Randazzo) - 3:54
8. "It's Sunday" (Birkenhead,Styne) - 3:36
9. "L.A. Is My Lady" (A. Bergman,M. Bergman,Quincy Jones,Peggy Lipton) – 3:12
10. "Until the Real Thing Comes Along" (Mann Holiner,Alberta Nichols,Cahn,S. Chaplin,L.E. Freeman) – 3:03
11. "After You've Gone" (Henry Creamer,Turner Layton) – 3:15
12. "The Best of Everything" (Ebb,Kander) – 2:45
13. "It's All Right With Me" (Porter) – 2:39
14. "A Hundred Years from Today" (J. Young,Washington,V. Young) – 3:04
15. "How Do You Keep the Music Playing?" (A. Bergman,M. Bergman,Legrand) – 3:49
16. "Teach Me Tonight" (Cahn,Gene DePaul) – 3:44
17. "If I Should Lose You" (Rainger,Robin) – 2:36
18. "Stormy Weather" (Arlen,Koehler) – 3:38
19. "Mack the Knife" (Marc Blitzstein,Bertolt Brecht,Weill) – 4:50
20. "The Girls I Never Kissed" (Jerry Leiber,Mike Stoller) - 3:31
21. "Only One to a Customer" (Leigh,Styne) - 2:48
22. "My Foolish Heart" (Washington,V. Young) - 2:47
The Christmas
專輯英文名:The Christmas Album
歌手:Frank Sinatra音樂風格:爵士
版本:[iTunes Plus AAC]
Frank Sinatra,一位本世紀(ji)西洋流行樂(le)壇甚具影響力(li)的(de)藝(yi)人(ren)(ren),集歌(ge)手、演員、節(jie)目主持(chi)人(ren)(ren)、唱(chang)片公(gong)司老(lao)板等(deng)角色(se)于(yu)一身,雖(sui)未受過正(zheng)統音(yin)樂(le)訓練,但他(ta)卻能以(yi)(yi)一副渾然天成的(de)好嗓音(yin)以(yi)(yi)及(ji)個(ge)人(ren)(ren)肢體魅力(li),將百老(lao)匯、流行歌(ge)、爵(jue)士樂(le)……等(deng)曲風(feng)融合(he),創造(zao)出獨樹一幟(zhi)的(de)個(ge)人(ren)(ren)風(feng)格(ge)——一種屬于(yu)“瘦(shou)皮猴”Frank Sinatra的(de)風(feng)格(ge),無人(ren)(ren)能出其右。從1941年起Frank就獲(huo)獎(jiang)無數(shu)(shu),包括獲(huo)得(de)爵(jue)士Down Beat雜志所(suo)頒的(de)24座(zuo)獎(jiang)座(zuo)以(yi)(yi)及(ji)陸續獲(huo)得(de)9座(zuo)葛萊美獎(jiang)的(de)肯定(ding)。而這些讓他(ta)名留傳奇人(ren)(ren)物殿(dian)堂的(de)佳績多數(shu)(shu)是(shi)他(ta)在1953年轉(zhuan)換(huan)唱(chang)片公(gong)司所(suo)締造(zao)的(de)。
01. Jingle Bells
02. The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas to You)
03. Mistletoe and Holly
04. I'll Be Home for Christmas
05. The Christmas Waltz
06. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
07. The First Noel
08. Hark the Herald Angels Sing
09. O Little Town of Bethlehem
10. Adeste Fideles
11. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
12. Silent Night
13. White Christmas
14. The Christmas Waltz
? 1971 ? ?第43屆 ? ?吉恩.赫肖爾(er)特人道主(zhu)義(yi)獎 ? ?(獲獎) ? ?
? 1956 ? ?第28屆 ? ?最佳男主角(jiao)獎 ? ?金臂人 ? ?(提名(ming)) ? ?
? 1954 ? ?第26屆 ? ?最佳(jia)男配(pei)角獎 ? ?亂世忠魂 ? ?(獲獎) ? ?
? 1946 ? ?第18屆 ? ?榮譽獎 ? ?(獲獎) ? ?
? 1971 ? ?第28屆(jie) ? ?塞西(xi)爾·B·戴(dai)米爾獎(jiang) ? ?(獲獎(jiang)) ? ?
? 1964 ? ?第21屆(jie) ? ?電影類-音(yin)樂喜劇類最(zui)佳男主角獎(jiang) ? ?吹響小(xiao)號 ? ?(提(ti)名) ? ?
? 1958 ? ?第(di)15屆 ? ?電影類(lei)-音樂(le)喜劇類(lei)最佳男主角獎 ? ?好友喬(qiao)伊 ? ?(獲獎) ? ?
? 1954 ? ?第(di)11屆 ? ?電影(ying)類-最佳男配角獎(jiang) ? ?亂世(shi)忠(zhong)魂 ? ?(獲獎(jiang)) ? ?
? 1957 ? ?第10屆 ? ?電影獎-最(zui)佳(jia)外國男演員獎 ? ?金臂人 ? ?(提名) ? ?
? 1956 ? ?第9屆 ? ?電影(ying)獎(jiang)-最(zui)佳外國男(nan)演員獎(jiang) ? ?明月冰心一照杏林(lin) ? ?(提名) ? ?
? 1974 ? ?第26屆 ? ?綜藝系列節目 - 脫(tuo)口秀(xiu)/音(yin)樂秀(xiu)-最(zui)佳喜劇/綜藝/音(yin)樂特別篇 ? ?(提名) ? ?
? 1970 ? ?第22屆(jie) ? ?其他和技術類獎項 ? ?(提名) ? ?
? 1969 ? ?第21屆 ? ?其他和技術(shu)類(lei)獎項 ? ?(提名) ? ?
? 1956 ? ?第8屆 ? ?其(qi)他和技術(shu)類獎項-最佳(jia)男歌手 ? ?(提名(ming)) ? ?