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《HandClap》是Fitz & The Tantrums演唱的歌曲。Turn it up,Somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in the city I know,Too many troubles all these lovers got you losin' control,You're like a drug to me a luxury my sugar and gold,I want the good life,Every good night you're a hot one to hold,Cause you don't even know,I can make your hands clap,Said I can make your hands clap,Somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in the city I know.....
  • 中文名: 拍手
  • 外文名: HandClap
  • 主唱: Fitz & The Tantrums
  • 類型: 流行,歐美
  • 片長: 3分13秒
  • 作詞: Jeremy Ruzumna,James KingEric,Frederic
  • 作曲: Jeremy Ruzumna,James KingEric,Frederic
  • 語種: 英語
  • 發行/播出時間: 2016年
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Turn it up

Somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in the city I know

Too many troubles all these lovers got you losin' control

You're like a drug to me a luxury my sugar and gold

I want the good life

Every good night you're a hot one to hold

Cause you don't even know

I can make your hands clap

Said I can make your hands clap

Somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in the city I know

Too many troubles all these lovers got you losin' control

You're like a drug to me a luxury my sugar and gold

I want your sex and your affection when I'm holding you close

Cause you don't even know

I can make your hands clap

Said I can make your hands clap

Every night when the stars come out

Am I the only living soul around

Need to believe you could hold me down


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