這既是一(yi)部單鏡頭情景喜劇,也是一(yi)部音樂(le)喜劇,有些人(ren)將(jiang)它(ta)看(kan)做《童話(hua)(hua)鎮》(Once Upon A Time)和(he)《音樂(le)之(zhi)鄉》(Nashville)的(de)結合體。著名作曲家艾倫·曼肯和(he)作詞家Glenn Slater將(jiang)為(wei)該劇譜寫原創歌曲。故事描述理查德國王偷走了格萊凡(fan)(fan)特(te)(te)(約書亞·薩(sa)斯(si)/Joshua Sasse)最心愛(ai)的(de)女人(ren)瑪德麗娜(馬(ma)洛(luo)莉(li)·詹森/MalloryJansen),格萊凡(fan)(fan)特(te)(te)發誓要報仇(chou)。格萊凡(fan)(fan)特(te)(te)是一(yi)位經(jing)典(dian)的(de)童話(hua)(hua)英雄——風(feng)流倜(ti)儻,英勇(yong)善(shan)戰。與此(ci)同時,他還具備屠龍的(de)能(neng)力和(he)樂(le)善(shan)好(hao)施的(de)好(hao)心腸。讓格萊凡(fan)(fan)特(te)(te)感到沮喪的(de)是,瑪德麗娜為(wei)了追求榮華(hua)富貴(gui)寧可跟年紀(ji)一(yi)大把的(de)邪惡國王理查德(蒂莫西·奧蒙(meng)德森/Timothy Omundson)在(zai)一(yi)起也不(bu)愿意跟身無分文(wen)的(de)自己(ji)過苦(ku)日子。
角色 演員 備注
格萊(lai)凡特 / Galavant 約書亞(ya)·薩斯/Joshua Sasse 英雄游俠騎(qi)士
理查(cha)德國王(wang) / King Richard 蒂莫(mo)西(xi)·奧蒙德森/Timothy Omundson 邪惡國王(wang)
蓋瑞斯(si) / Gareth 維尼·瓊(qiong)斯(si)/Vinnie Jones 理查德國王的貼身侍衛
瑪德(de)蓮娜 /Madalena 馬洛莉·詹森(sen)/ MalloryJansen 格萊凡特心愛的女人(ren)
伊(yi)莎貝拉 /Isabella 凱倫·戴維 /Karen David 瓦倫西亞公主
希德(de)(de) / Sid 路(lu)克·楊布拉德(de)(de) /Luke Youngblood 格萊凡特的隨從仆人(ren)
御廚 /Chef 戴倫·伊萬斯 / Darren Evans 理查德國王(wang)的(de)御廚
Galavant (Original Soundtrack) (2015年1月1日發行)
Galavant: Season 2 (Original Soundtrack) (2016年1月(yue)29日發行(xing))
Galavant: The Unreleased Collection (Original Television Soundtrack) (2017年5月12日(ri)發行)
Galavant: The Complete Collection (Original Television Soundtrack) (2017年6月2日發行)
(以(yi)Galavant: The Complete Collection中的曲目為(wei)準)
1. Galavant
2. Galavant Rides
3. Galavant (Isabella Reprise)
4. She’ll Be Mine
5. Galavant (End Reprise)
6. Hero’s Journey
7. Manlyology (Demo)
8. Stand Up
9. Maybe You’re Not The Worst Thing Ever
10. Previously On Galavant
11. Oy! What A Knight (Featuring Faith Prince)
12. Dance Until You Die
13. Jackass In A Can
14. Togetherness
15. Comedy Gold
16. Lords Of The Sea (Featuring Hugh Bonneville)
17. Togetherness (Reprise)
18. Galavant Gallivants
19. No One But You
20. Hey, Hey, We’re The Monks (Featuring Weird Al Yankovic)
21. If I Could Share My Life With You
22. I Love You (As Much As Someone Like Me Could Love Anyone)
23. A Day In Richard’s Life (Featuring Ricky Gervais)
24. Love Is Strange
25. Moments In The Sun
26. A Happy Ending For Us
27. Secret Mission
28. Goodnight My Friend
29. Galavant Wrap Up
1. A New Season
2. Off With His Shirt (Featuring Kylie Minogue)
3. A New Season (Reprise)
4. World’s Best Kiss
5. Let’s Agree To Disagree
6. World’s Best Kiss (Reprise)
7. Build A New Tomorrow (Featuring Matt Lucas)
8. If I Were A Jolly Blacksmith
9. The Happiest Day Of Your Life (Featuring Robert Lindsay)
10. As Good As It Gets
11. Serenade
12. What Am I Feeling
13. My Dragon Pal And Me
14. Different Kind Of Princess (Featuring Sheridan Smith)
15. Dwarves Vs. Giants
16. My Dragon Pal And Me (Reprise)
17. Today We Rise
18. Your Mother Is A Whore (Demo)
19. He Was There
20. I Was There
21. Time Is Of The Essence (Featuring Reece Shearsmith)
22. Love Makes The World Brand New
23. Goodbye (Featuring Eddie Marsan)
24. I Don’t Like You
25. Finally
26. A Dark Season
27. Galavant Recap
28. A Good Day To Die
29. Do The D’Dew
30. A Good Day To Die (Reprise)
31. Will My Day Ever Come (Featuring Alie Simmons)
32. A Real Life, Happily Ever After
33. Season 2 Finale (Featuring Weird Al Yankovic)