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0 票數:0 #說唱歌曲#
  • 中文名: 更(geng)加(jia)強大
  • 外文名: Stronger
  • 主唱: 坎(kan)耶·維斯特
  • 類型: 說唱,浩室
  • 片長: 5分鐘11秒
  • 作詞: 坎耶·維斯(si)特(te),托馬斯(si)·本(ben)高特(te),蓋-馬努爾·德霍曼-克里斯(si)托
  • 作曲: 坎耶·維斯特(te),托(tuo)馬斯·本高特(te),蓋-馬努爾·德(de)霍曼-克里斯托(tuo),埃德(de)溫·伯(bo)德(de)桑
  • 語種: 英語
  • 發行/播出時間: 2007年07月31日
詳(xiang)細介紹 PROFILE +


Work it make it do it

Makes us longer better faster stronger

N- n- now th- that don't kill me

Can only make me stronger

I need you to hurry up now

Cause i can't wait much longer

I know i got to be right now

Cause i can't get much wronger

Man i've been waitin' all night now

That's how long i've been on ya

I need you right now

I need you right now

Lets get lost tonight

You could be my black kate moss tonight

Play secretary i'm the boss tonight

And you don't give a f**k what they all say right

Awesome the christian and and kristen dior

Damn they don't make 'em like this anymore

I ask cause i'm not sure

Do anybody make real sh*t anymore

Bow in the presence of greatness

Cause right now thou has forsaken us

You should be honored by my lateness

That i would even show up to this fake sh*t

So go ahead go nuts go ape sh*t

Specially on my best stand on my bape sh*t

Act like you can't tell who made this

New gospel homey take six and take this haters

N- n- now th- that don't kill me

Can only make me stronger

I need you to hurry up now

Cause i can't wait much longer

I know i got to be right now

Cause i can't get much wronger

Man i've been waitin' all night now

That's how long i've been on ya

I need you right now

I need you right now


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