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Not Afraid(歌曲)
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《Not Afraid》是美國說唱歌手埃米納姆的一首歌曲,詞曲由Boi-1da、埃米納姆、喬丹·埃文斯、路易斯·雷斯托和馬修·伯內特譜寫,作為主打單曲收錄于在埃米納姆第七張錄音室專輯《Recovery》中,于2010年4月29日發布。2010年5月22日,《Not Afraid》空降美國公告牌百強單曲榜榜首,成為第16首空降冠軍單曲,也是埃米納姆的第三首冠軍單曲。2011年2月14日,埃米納姆憑借該歌曲獲得了第53屆格萊美獎“最佳說唱表演”獎項。2014年6月11日,該歌曲憑借超過一千萬份的數碼音樂銷量,獲得美國唱片業協會“鉆石單曲”獎。
  • 中文名: 不再畏懼(ju)
  • 外文名: Not Afraid
  • 主唱: 埃米(mi)納姆(mu)
  • 類型: 勵志嘻(xi)哈,硬核(he)說(shuo)唱,說(shuo)唱搖滾
  • 片長: 04:10
  • 作詞: 喬(qiao)丹·埃(ai)(ai)文(wen)斯,埃(ai)(ai)米(mi)納姆,Boi-1da,喬(qiao)丹·埃(ai)(ai)文(wen)斯,馬修·伯(bo)內特
  • 作曲: 喬(qiao)丹·埃(ai)文(wen)斯(si)(si),埃(ai)米納(na)姆,Boi-1da,喬(qiao)丹·埃(ai)文(wen)斯(si)(si),馬修(xiu)·伯(bo)內特(te)
  • 語種: 英文
  • 發行/播出時間: 2010年(nian)04月29日
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Evans/Matthew Burnett

I'm not afraid I'm not afraid

To take a stand to take a stand

Everybody everybody

Come take my hand come take my hand

We'll walk this road together through the storm

Whatever weather cold or warm

Just lettin' you know that you're not alone

Holla if you feel like you've been

Down the same road

You can try and read my lyrics off

Of this paper before I lay 'em

But you won't take the sting out

These words before I say 'em

'Cause ain't no way I'ma let you

Stop me from causing mayhem

When I say I'ma do something

I do it I don't give a damn what you think

I'm doin' this for me so f**k the world

Feed it beans it's gassed up

If it thinks it's stopping me

I'ma be what I set out to be

Without a doubt undoubtedly

And all those who look down on me

I'm tearing down your balcony

No if ands or buts don't try to

Ask him why or how can he

From Infinite down to that

Last Relapse album

He's still shittin' whether he's on salary paid hourly

Until he bows out or he shits

His bowels out of him

Whichever comes first for better or worse

He's married to the game


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