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Atomic Kitten
0 #藝人組合#
Atomic Kitten(原子少女貓)是1999年出道的靚麗少女組合,曾經英國流行樂壇最當紅的流行組合,在還未發專輯的情況下就獲得了英國《Smash Hits》雜志最受歡迎藝人第12名,翻唱歌曲《Eternal Flame》連續兩周奪下英國單曲金榜冠軍,曾創下14首英國top10單曲,其中3首冠軍單曲共盤據9周之久, Atomic Kitten被喻為繼辣妹合唱團后最成功的女子團體。
  • 中文名: 原子(zi)少女貓
  • 外文名: Atomic Kitten
  • 別號名稱: AK
  • 性別:
  • 國籍: 英國
  • 職業職位: 歌唱組(zu)合(he)
  • 代表作品: 《Whole Again》,《If You Come To Me》,《Nothing In The World》,《The Tide Is High》
詳(xiang)細(xi)介(jie)紹(shao) PROFILE +




原子(zi)小貓的(de)(de)《RightNow》和《SeeYa》一經發行立刻(ke)打入歐洲Top10排行榜,2001年(nian)(nian)冬,《WholeAgain》成(cheng)功(gong)奪冠。她們(men)在MTV上獨領一時風(feng)騷,但是這樣(yang)的(de)(de)成(cheng)功(gong)并(bing)非一帆風(feng)順(shun)。早在2000年(nian)(nian)9月,凱(kai)麗(li)公開(kai)(kai)宣稱自己與西城男孩成(cheng)員布萊(lai)恩·麥克范登(BryanMcFaden)拍拖(tuo)已(yi)有一年(nian)(nian),而且珠胎暗結,不久兩人正(zheng)式(shi)訂婚。柯塔娜不喜歡四(si)處奔(ben)波(bo),因此離開(kai)(kai)了組合,Precious的(de)(de)詹妮·弗洛斯特(JennyFrost)填補了她的(de)(de)空缺(que),此后《RightNow》為(wei)原子(zi)小貓贏(ying)得的(de)(de)贊譽讓(rang)凱(kai)麗(li)對自己的(de)(de)愚蠢之舉(ju)后悔不迭。PS 13年(nian)(nian)正(zheng)式(shi)回歸組合取(qu)代Jenny Frost,


原子少女貓(mao)(簡稱AK)是在出產世界超級巨星 披頭士的利物浦(pu),所(suo)組成的三人(ren)少女組。成員有Natasha、Kelly、Liz等三人(ren)。Kelly有著金色(se)頭發,Liz則有著一頭短(duan)發, 三人(ren)都(dou)是相當有個性的女孩(hai)。

原(yuan)子少(shao)女(nv)貓在(zai)正(zheng)式出(chu)道前(qian)就(jiu)跟隨(sui)(sui)師姐Spice Girls相同(tong)的腳步(bu),在(zai)日本積極的展(zhan)開宣(xuan)傳活動。 讓(rang)所有扶桑客對她們產生了興(xing)趣。隨(sui)(sui)后即回(hui)到英(ying)國發行首(shou)支單曲“Right Now”,初登場即躍進(jin)排行前(qian)十的位置(zhi)。親和(he)、平易近人活潑俏(qiao)皮且非常迷人可(ke)愛的E世代風格,更是在(zai)英(ying)國眾多(duo)的知名雜志中(zhong)被堂堂廣泛地介紹出(chu)來(lai)。

原子(zi)少女(nv)貓(mao)起(qi)初由三個活潑可(ke)愛的小女(nv)生:Natasha(娜塔(ta)夏)、Liz(麗絲)、Kerry(凱莉)組成,因為(wei)Kerry懷了Westlife(西城男孩)團員Bryan的寶寶,被迫暫(zan)時退出(chu)團體(ti),由新進團員Jenny替換(huan)重新組合的原子(zi)少女(nv)貓(mao)2001年再接再厲推(tui)出(chu)新專輯《Right Now 2001》。


if you come to me 是(shi)和新成員唱的。

在還未發專輯的(de)情況下就獲得(de)了英國《Smash Hits》雜志最受歡(huan)迎藝(yi)人第(di)12名,而以80年代的(de)迪(di)斯科舞曲伴奏間(jian)雜電(dian)音(yin)效果的(de)首(shou)支《Right Now》更突顯(xian)她(ta)們對音(yin)樂和潮流的(de)敏銳感。

《Right Now 2001》除了(le)收(shou)錄2000年發行的《Atomic Kitten》中的9首單(dan)曲(qu)外(wai),還加收(shou)《Follow Me》等5首全新(xin)作品,一(yi)發行即奪(duo)下英(ying)國專輯榜第一(yi)名。經過多場表演的磨(mo)練、歌(ge)唱技巧更趨成熟(shu)、她們成功(gong)地(di)翻唱了(le)Bangles(手鐲合唱團)的暢銷(xiao)名作《Eternal Flame》,并連續(xu)兩周奪(duo)下英(ying)國單(dan)曲(qu)金榜冠軍,也終于穩坐頭號(hao)接班(ban)女子團體的頭名!



Right Now 20011. Right Now (2001 Recording)2. Follow Me3. Whole Again4. Eternal Flame (Single Version)5. Tomorrow And Tonight6. Get Real7. Turn Me On8. Hippy9. You Are10. Cradle11. Bye Now12. Strangers13. See Ya14. I Want Your Love

Feels So Good 20021. It's Ok!2. Love Won't Wait3. The Tide Is High (Get The Feeling) (Radio Mix)4. Feels So Good5. Walking On The Water6. The Moment You Leave Me7. The Last Goodbye8. Love Doesn't Have To Hurt9. Softer The Touch10. The Way That You Are11. Baby Don't You Hurt Me12. So Hot13. Maybe I'm Right14. No One Loves You (Like I Love You)

Ladies Night 20031. Ladies Night2. Be With You3. Dont Go Breaking My Heart4. If You Come To Me5. Believer6. Everything Goes Around7. Somebody Like You8. Nothing In The World9. Always Be My Baby10. I Wont Be There11. Never Get Over You12. Dont You Know13. Loving You14. Dont Let Me Down15. Someone Like Me

Atomic Kitten 20031. It's Ok!2. Be With You3. The Tide Is High (Get The Feeling) (Radio Mix)4. Feels So Good5. Walking On The Water6. Love Doesn't Have To Hurt (Radio Version)7. Love Won't Wait8. Whole Again9. The Last Goodbye (Single Version)10. Right Now (2001 Recording)11. Eternal Flame (Single Version)12. The Moment You Leave Me

Atomic Kitten:The Greatest Hits 20041. Whole Again2. Ladies Night3. The Tide Is High (Radio Mix)4. It's Ok!5. Be With You (Radio Version)6. If You Come To Me7. Eternal Flame8. Love Doesn't Have To Hurt9. The Last Goodbye10. Right Now 200411. See Ya (Radio Mix)12. I Want Your Love (2XS Radio)13. You Are14. Cradle15. Someone Like Me

Atomic Kitten:The Collection 20051. Whole Again (Original Version)2. Dancing In The Street3. Ladies Night Atomic Kitten Featuring Kool & The Gang4. Use Your Imagination5. Turn Me On6. Right Now (Radio Edit)7. It's Ok!8. Love Won't Wait9. Don't Go Breaking My Heart10. Believer11. Follow Me12. Tomorrow And Tonight13. Walking On The Water14. Love Doesn't Have To Hurt15. No One Loves You (Like I Love You)

經典歌曲 Nothing In The World

Atomic Kitten

It's been so long I can't remember when

We didn't care how deep it was we dived right in

Watching everything around us disappear

Oh I've missed you here

And it seems the little things get in the way

We're so caught up in routine from day to day

Sometimes it feels like we're not anchored anywhere

Oh I've missed you yeah

So tell me there's nothing in the world

That could ever come between us

Show me your not afraid tonight Baby make me believe

That there's nothing in the world

That could ever

steal the moment from right here and now



in the world

Two shadows falling back together now

Baby we've spent too much time just hiding out

And there's nowhere that I'd rather be than here

Cos I've missed you yeah

So tell me there's nothing in the world

That could ever come between us

Show me your not afraid tonight Baby make me believe

That there's nothing in the world

That could ever

steal the moment from right here and now



in the world

Nothing in the world

(in the world)

There's nothing in the world

So tell me there's nothing in the world

That could ever come between us

Show me your not afraid tonight Baby make me believe

That there's nothing in the world

That could ever

steal the moment from right here and now



So tell me there's nothing in the world

That could ever come between us

Show me your not afraid tonight Baby make me believe

That there's nothing in the world

That could ever

steal the moment from right here and now


So tell me there's nothing in the world

That could ever come between us

Show me your not afraid tonight Baby make me believe

That there's nothing in the world





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