所羅門王(wang)(wang)/新所羅門王(wang)(wang)/所羅門王(wang)(wang)與貴妃 Solomon and Sheba ------- (1959)
萬劫余生/棄船 Seven Waves Away ------- (1957)
月(yue)出 The Rising of the Moon ------- (1957)
妾(qie)似(si)朝(chao)陽又(you)照君(jun)/太(tai)陽照樣(yang)升起(qi) The Sun Also Rises ------- (1957)
控方證(zheng)人(ren)/情(qing)婦(臺)/雄(xiong)才偉略(港(gang)) Witness for the Prosecution ------- (1957)
Eight Steps to Peace ------- (1957)
琴韻(yun)補情天(tian) The Eddy Duchin Story ------- (1956)
西點(dian)軍魂 The Long Gray Line ------- (1955)
無(wu)情(qing)荒地有情(qing)天 Untamed ------- (1955)
荒漠奇襲戰(zhan) King of the Khyber Rifles ------- (1953)
The Mississippi Gambler ------- (1953)
Diplomatic Courier ------- (1952)
Pony Soldier ------- (1952)
萬古留情 The House in the Square ------- (1951)
Rawhide ------- (1951)
還我河山 American Guerrilla in the Philippines ------- (1950)
The Black Rose ------- (1950)
狐貍王子 Prince of Foxes ------- (1949)
The Luck of the Irish ------- (1948)
That Wonderful Urge ------- (1948)
長勝(sheng)將軍 Captain from Castile ------- (1947)
玉面情魔(mo)/醉鄉驚(jing)夢 Nightmare Alley ------- (1947)
剃刀(dao)邊緣 The Razor's Edge ------- (1946)
緊急下潛/自殺(sha)俯沖 Crash Dive ------- (1943)
Show Business at War ------- (1943)
Screen Snapshots Series 23, No. 1: Hollywood in Uniform ------- (1943)
黑(hei)天鵝 The Black Swan ------- (1942)
Son of Fury: The Story of Benjamin Blake ------- (1942)
高于(yu)一切(qie) This Above All ------- (1942)
碧血黃沙 Blood and Sand ------- (1941)
北佬參軍記(ji)/北軍有情天(港(gang)) A Yank in the R.A.F. ------- (1941)
Brigham Young ------- (1940)
強尼阿波羅 Johnny Apollo ------- (1940)
佐(zuo)羅的印記 The Mark of Zorro ------- (1940)
The Return of Frank James ------- (1940)
蕩寇志 Jesse James ------- (1939)
雨季來(lai)臨 The Rains Came ------- (1939)
Hollywood Hobbies ------- (1939)
Day-Time Wife ------- (1939)
Rose of Washington Square ------- (1939)
Screen Snapshots Series 18, No. 8 ------- (1939)
Second Fiddle ------- (1939)
亞歷山大的爵士樂隊 Alexander's Ragtime Band ------- (1938)
絕代艷后(hou) Marie Antoinette ------- (1938)
蘇伊(yi)士(shi)運河 Suez ------- (1938)
Screen Snapshots Series 17, No. 9 ------- (1938)
Hollywood Goes to Town ------- (1938)
Screen Snapshots Series 18, No. 2 ------- (1938)
芝加哥大(da)火(huo)記 In Old Chicago ------- (1937)
Second Honeymoon ------- (1937)
Café Metropole ------- (1937)
Ali Baba Goes to Town ------- (1937)
Thin Ice ------- (1937)
Love Is News ------- (1937)
Lloyd's of London ------- (1936)
Girls' Dormitory ------- (1936)
Ladies in Love ------- (1936)
Northern Frontier ------- (1935)
Flirtation Walk ------- (1934)
Tom Brown of Culver ------- (1932)
School for Wives ------- (1925)
所羅(luo)(luo)門王(wang)/新所羅(luo)(luo)門王(wang)/所羅(luo)(luo)門王(wang)與貴妃 Solomon and Sheba ------- (1959)
萬劫余生/棄船 Seven Waves Away ------- (1957)
原野藏龍 Count Three and Pray ------- (1955)