1986年起,饒毅(yi)隨美國(guo)科學(xue)院院士Y. N. Jan和(he)L. Y. Jan教授做博(bo)士論(lun)文研究,用遺(yi)傳學(xue)和(he)分子生物學(xue)手段,研究果蠅神經發育的(de)分子機(ji)理(li)。
1991年(nian)-1994年(nian),饒(rao)毅在哈佛大(da)學(xue)生物化學(xue)與(yu)分(fen)子(zi)(zi)生物學(xue)系做博士(shi)后(hou),隨美國科學(xue)院士(shi)D. A. Melton教授研究(jiu)脊椎動物神經誘導(dao)的分(fen)子(zi)(zi)機理(li)。
2006年,饒毅任西北大學神(shen)經內科學Elsa Swanson講席教授。
1. Bowen Deng, Qi Li, Xinxing Liu, Yue Cao, Bingfeng Li, Yongjun Qian, Rui Xu, Renbo Mao, Enxing Zhou, Wenxia Zhang, Juan Huang, and Yi Rao*. (2019) Chemoconnectomics: Mapping Chemical Transmission in Drosophila. Neuron, 101: 876-893
2. Biqing Chen, Zijian Zhu, Yingying Wang, Xiaohu Ding, Xiaobo Guo, Mingguang He, Wan Fang, Qin Zhou, Shanbi Zhou, Han Lei, Ailong Huang, Tingmei Chen, Dongsheng Ni, Yuping Gu, Jianing Liu,Yi Rao*. (2018) Nature vs. nurture in human sociality: multi-level genomic analyses of social conformity. Journal of Human Genetics, 63: 605-619.
3. Yongjun Qian, Yue Cao, Bowen Deng, Guang Yang, Jiayun Li, Rui Xu,Dandan zhang, Juan Huang*, Yi Rao*. (2017) Sleep homeostasis regulated by 5HT2b receptor in a small subset of neurons in the dorsal fan-shaped body of Drosophila. eLife, 6: e26519.
4. Zijian Zhu, Yingying Wang, Zhijun Cao, Biqing Chen, Huaqian Cai, Yanhong Wu*, Yi Rao*. (2016) Cue-independent memory impairment by reactivation-coupled interference in human declarative memory. Cognition, 155:125-134.
5. Zhang SS, Liu Y, RaoY*. (2013) Serotonin signaling in the brain of adult female mice is required for sexual preference. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110: 9968-9973.
6. Liu WW, Liang XH, Li YN, Gong JX, Yang Z, Zhang YH, Zhang JX and RaoY*. (2011) Social regulation of aggression mediated by pheromonal activation of Or65a olfactory receptor neurons in Drosophila. Nature Neurosci, 7: 896-902.
7. Liu Y, Jiang Y, Si Y, Kim J-Y, Chen Z-F, and RaoY*. (2011) Molecular regulation of sexual preference revealed by genetic studies of 5-HT in the brain of male mice. Nature, 472: 95-99.
8. Zhou C, Rao Y, and RaoY*. (2008) A subset of octopaminergic neurons are important for Drosophila aggression. Nature Neurosci, 11: 1059-1061.
9. Li X, Gao X, Liu G, Xiong W, Wu J*, RaoY*. (2008) Netrin signal transduction and the guanine nucleotide exchange factor DOCK180 in attractive signaling. Nature Neurosci, 11:28-35.
10. Jiang H, Guo W, Liang XH, and RaoY*. (2005) Both the establishment and the maintenance of neuronal polarity require active mechanisms: critical roles of GSK-3κ and its upstream regulators. Cell, 120: 123-135.
11. Ward ME, Wu JY*, and RaoY*. (2004) Visualization of spatially and temporally regulated N-WASP activity during cytoskeletal reorganization in living cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101:970-974.
12. Liu G, Beggs H, Jürgensen C, Park HT, Tang H, Gorski J, Jones KR, Reichardt LF, Wu JY, and RaoY*. (2004) Netrin requires the focal adhesion kinase and the Src family kinases to induce axon outgrowth and to attract axons. Nature Neurosci, 7: 1222-1232.
13. Zhu Y, Yu T, Zhang X-C, Nagasawa T, Wu JY*, and RaoY*. (2002) Role of the chemokine SDF-1 as the meningeal attractant for embryonic cerebellar neurons. Nat Neurosci, 5:719-720.
14. Wong K, Ren X-R, Huang Y-Z, Xie Y, Liu G, Saito H, Tang H, Wen L, Brady-Kalnay SM, Mei L, Wu JY, Xiong W-C*, and RaoY*. (2001) Signal transduction in neuronal migration: roles of GTPase activating proteins and the small GTPaseCdc42 in the Slit-Robo pathway. Cell, 107: 209-221.
15. Wu JY*, Feng L*, Park H-T, Havlioglu N, Wen L, Tang H, Bacon KB, Jiang Z, Zhang X-C, and RaoY*. (2001) The neuronal repellent Slit inhibits leukocyte chemotaxis induced by chemotactic factors. Nature, 410: 948-952.
16. Wu W, Wong K, Chen JH, Jiang ZH, Dupuis S, Wu JY*, and RaoY*. (1999) Directional guidance of neuronal migration in the olfactory system by the protein Slit. Nature, 400: 331-336.
17. Li HS, Chen JH, Wu W, Fagaly T, Yuan WL, Zhou L, Dupuis S, Jiang Z, Nash W, Gick C, Ornitz D, Wu JY*, and RaoY*. (1999) Vertebrate Slit, a secreted ligand for the transmembraneprotein Roundabout, is a repellent for olfactory bulb axons. Cell 96: 807-818.
18. He M, Wen L, Campbell C, Wu JY, and RaoY*. (1999) Transcription repression by ET, an ortholog of human Tbx3, a gene involved in ulnar-mammary syndrome. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 96:10212-10217.
19. Zhu Y, Li HS, Zhou L, Wu JY, and RaoY*. (1999) Cellular and molecular guidance of GABAergic neuronal migration from an extra-cortical origin to the neocortex. Neuron, 23: 473-485.
20. Li HS, Tierney C, Wen L, Wu JY and RaoY*. (1997) A single morphogenetic field gives rise to two retina primordia under the influence of the prechordalmesoderm. Development, 124: 603-615.
21. Rao Y, Jan LY, and Jan YN* (1990). Similarity of the product of the Drosophila neurogenic gene big brain to transmembrane channel proteins. Nature, 345: 163-167.