Fly Me To The Moon由巴特·霍華(hua)德(Bart Howard)應發行(xing)商創(chuang)作(zuo)(zuo)單曲(qu)要求,創(chuang)作(zuo)(zuo)于1954年。是(shi)首華(hua)爾(er)茲舞曲(qu),也(ye)是(shi)他最(zui)有名(ming)的(de)一(yi)首作(zuo)(zuo)品。最(zui)初由當時他工作(zuo)(zuo)的(de)酒店的(de)駐店歌手Felicia Sanders演唱。發行(xing)商試(shi)圖將其改(gai)名(ming)為(wei)“Take Me to the Moon”但(dan)是(shi)巴特·霍華(hua)德拒絕了。
之(zhi)后(hou)這首歌被定名(ming)為Fly Me to the Moon。由(you)佩姬·李(li)(Peggy Lee)1960年演唱(chang)的(de)版本成名(ming)。而弗蘭克·辛納塔(ta)(Frank Sinatra)的(de)翻唱(chang)更是讓這首歌的(de)名(ming)聲達到了(le)一(yi)個無法形(xing)容的(de)地步。美(mei)國宇航局曾把(ba)他演唱(chang)的(de)這首歌的(de)唱(chang)片(pian)通過阿波羅飛船送上(shang)月球(qiu),使得這首歌曲(qu)成為第一(yi)首在(zai)月球(qiu)上(shang)播放(fang)的(de)人類歌曲(qu)。
90年代的時候老爺子還說,如果當(dang)時他沒有決定(ding)把歌名改為Fly me to the moon,他不(bu)知道會過著(zhu)什么樣(yang)的生活。
這(zhe)首(shou)歌是1954年由Kaye Ballard錄音,當(dang)時是以“In Other Words”之名(ming)推出(chu)(chu)。后來Portia Nelson也翻(fan)唱了這(zhe)首(shou)歌,而“Fly Me to the Moon”這(zhe)個名(ming)字則(ze)是Johnny Mathis在1956年推出(chu)(chu)專(zhuan)輯之時出(chu)(chu)現的。
現在最為人所知的(de)版本是1964年由(you)Quincy Jones編曲,由(you)法(fa)蘭·仙納(na)杜(du)拉演唱并(bing)收錄于《It Might as Well Be Swing》這張(zhang)專輯中的(de)版本。
巴特(te)·霍華德于2004年2月(yue)21日死(si)于中風,享(xiang)年83歲(sui)。他(ta)(ta)的同性愛人(ren)Thomas Fowler陪伴他(ta)(ta)58年,一直到他(ta)(ta)生命完結(jie)的那一刻。
In Other Words by Felicia Sanders (1954)
Fly Me to the Moon by Johnny Mathis (1956)
Fly me to the Moon by Frances Wayne (1957)
Fly Me to the Moon (In Other Words) by Chris Connor (1957)
In Other Words by Nancy Wilson (1959)
In Other Words by Gloria Lynne (1959)
Fly Me to the Moon by Peggy Lee(1960)
Fly me to the Moon by The Barry Sisters (1961)
In Other Words by Sarah Vaughan (1962)
In Other Words by Mel Tormé (1962)
Fly Me to the Moon (In Other Words) by Jack Jones (1962)
Fly me to the Moon by Tony Mottola (1963)
Fly me to the Moon (In Other Words) by Helen O'Connell (1963)
Fly me to the Moon by Dick Hyman (1963)
Fly me to the Moon by Enoch Light & The Light Brigade (1963)
Fly Me to the Moon (In Other Words) by Laurindo Almeida & the Bossa Nova Allstars (1963)
Fly Me to the Moon by Perry Como (1963)
Fly me to the Moon by Joan Shaw (1964)
Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra & Count Basie and his orchestra (August 1964)
Fly Me to the Moon by Matt Monro (1965)
Fly Me to the Moon by Tony Bennett (1965)
Fly Me to the Moon by Cliff Richard (November 1965)
Fly Me to the Moon by Trini Lopez (1966)
Fly Me to the Moon by Chris Montez (1966)
Fly Me to the Moon by Bobby Darin (1966)
Fly Me to the Moon by The Dudley Moore Trio (1966)
Fly me to the Moon by Wes Montgomery (1968)
Fly me to the Moon (In Other Words) by Bobby Womack (1968)
Il ne me restera rien by Nicoletta (1968)
Fly me to the Moon by Leslie Uggams (1969)
Fly Me to the Moon by Tom Jones (June 13, 1969)
Fly me to the Moon by Mina (1972)
Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim (November 15, 1994)
Fly Me to the Moon by Yoko Takahashi 高橋洋子 (1995)
Fly Me to the Moon by Hayashibara Megumi 林原惠美
Fly Me to the Moon by Ono Lisa 小野麗莎
Fly Me to the Moon by Claire Littely
Fly Me to the Moon by Westlife(2004)
Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) -2007 MIX- by Utada Hikaru宇多(duo)田光(guang)(2007)
Fly Me to the Moon by Dinah Washington
美國電(dian)影(ying) 《華爾街》第一部 插(cha)曲
美國電影(ying) 《機械戰警(jing)2014》機械戰警(jing) 夢中 家庭舞(wu)會 配曲。
章明執導 電影《她們的(de)名字(zi)叫(jiao)紅》的(de)片尾曲
美劇《Lois and Clark》第二季第五集(ji)最(zui)后,Lois和superman對話、起舞(wu)的背景音樂