“榮(rong)耀之地(di)”在(zai)音(yin)樂(le)風(feng)格(ge)上(shang)更接近于民謠與流(liu)行搖滾樂(le)的(de)結合(he),很(hen)有些美國西部荒原的(de)蒼茫感。1994年作(zuo)者兼(jian)主唱達利爾創作(zuo)了此歌,并邀請福音(yin)曲演唱組合(he)“黑暗之聲”(Sounds of blackness)協助錄制。由于作(zuo)品缺乏對足球運(yun)動的(de)共鳴,很(hen)快淹沒在(zai)人們(men)的(de)記憶之中(zhong)(zhong)。1994年的(de)世界杯合(he)輯中(zhong)(zhong)收錄的(de)其他大牌藝人的(de)作(zuo)品倒是要比主題曲精(jing)彩得多。
It started with a feeling
and a dream was born in you
You hope and pray that come the day
you'll see that dream come true.
With every passing moment
you begin to understand
that you're bound for gloryland.
With a hunger in your heart
and with fire in your soul,
with passion rising high,
you know that you can reach your goal (reach your goal)
Believe in what you do
and you'll go straight to see it through (to see it through)
on the road to gloryland (gloryland gloryland)
and I say (loving it)
Gloryland, in gloryland (gloryland)
it's in your heart, it's in your hand.
in gloryland (in gloryland) hey gloryland (gloryland)
you're here in gloryland