Destiny's Child
Remember the first day when I saw your face還記得第(di)一次(ci)見你的那天
Remember the first day when you smiled at me 還記得第(di)一次你對(dui)我微笑的那天
You stepped to me and then you said to me你走過來對(dui)我說
I was the woman you dreamed about 我(wo)就是那個你(ni)夢寐以求的女(nv)孩
Remember the first day when you called my house 還(huan)記得第一次你拜訪我家的那天
Remember the first day when you took me out還記得第一次你帶(dai)我出去的那天
we had butterflies although we tried to hide it 我(wo)們(men)(men)都很緊張(zhang),盡管(guan)我(wo)們(men)(men)都嘗試掩(yan)飾它
and we both had a beautiful night我們(men)倆都度(du)過(guo)了美妙的(de)夜晚(wan)
The way we held each others hand, 我們牽手的那天
the way we talked, the way we laughed 我們攜手共進的那天,我們一路歡聲笑語
it felt so good to find true love遇到真(zhen)(zhen)愛的感覺真(zhen)(zhen)得很好(hao)
I knew right then and there you were the one 我知道你就(jiu)是(shi)我一直尋找的(de)那個人(ren)
I know that he loves me cause he told me so我知(zhi)道他愛我,因為他告訴了我
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show我(wo)知道他愛我(wo),因為(wei)他的感(gan)覺表現出來
When he stares at me you see he cares for me當他注視著我,我知道(dao)他在乎我
You see how he is so deep in love你能(neng)感覺到(dao)他正陷入(ru)熱戀
I know that he loves me cause its obvious 我(wo)知(zhi)道(dao)他(ta)愛我(wo),因為(wei)這很明顯
I know that he loves me cause its me he trusts 我知道他愛我,因為他信任(ren)我
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me并且,如(ru)果他(ta)不親吻我(wo)他(ta)會一直想念我(wo)
and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell me so當他注視我的(de)時候,他褐色(se)的(de)眼睛告訴(su)我一切