杰西卡·福德 Jessica Forde
演員 Actress
代表作(zuo): 巴黎野玫瑰 雙姝奇(qi)緣 一見鐘(zhong)情
桑德里娜·博內爾 Sandrine Bonnaire
演(yan)員 Actress
代表作(zuo): 冷酷祭典 天(tian)涯淪落女 蛇蝎美人
薩(sa)賓(bin)·阿(a)澤(ze)瑪 Sabine Azéma
演員 Actress
代表作: 瘋狂特警隊 瘋草(cao) 編織的女孩
Corinne Dacla
演員 Actor/Actress
代表作: 我要站起(qi)來(lai) 薄(bo)荷蘇打水 迷亂
洛朗·馬萊 Laurent Malet
演員 Actor
代(dai)表作(zuo): 霧(wu)港水手 群魔 大(da)宅(zhai)心慌慌
Nicole Persy
演員 Actor/Actress
代表作(zuo): 清教徒 Cantate Wittekerke
米歇爾(er)·皮科利 Michel Piccoli
演員 Actor
代表作: 白日(ri)美人 神圣車行 資(zi)產階級的(de)審慎(shen)魅力(li)
“Will be at the cinema Sunday night. Sorry”, this is what Manon, 18 years old, writes to her father after a year of absence. Pierre, the father and Ariane, his girlfriend, wait for her at the cinema. Ariane plays the different possible arrival of his daughter, but nothing calms the anxiety of Pierre. He asks his young team of actresses to play the role of Manon for him. When finally Manon comes out of the shadow ...
A tense dramatization of the reconciliation between father and daughter in an empty theatre, full of psychic hurts and perverse angers.
編劇 Writer
雅克·杜瓦隆 Jacques Doillon
編(bian)劇 Writer
代表作: 小孤星 愛情戰爭 羅(luo)丹
Jean-Fran?ois Goyet
編劇 Writer
代表作: 我再也聽(ting)不見(jian)吉他聲 房事(shi)一二(er)三 日落前決(jue)定愛(ai)不愛(ai)你(ni)
攝影 Camera Department
威廉·呂伯康斯基 William Lubtchansky
代表作(zuo): 不(bu)羈的美女 隔墻花 平(ping)凡情人(ren)