1.lets eat out ?(1960-1965)
2.look for the golden arches!(1965-1967)
3.the closest thing to home (1966-1969)
4.McDonald's is your kind of place (1967-1971)
5.you deserve a break today(1971-1975)
6.enjoy teh best food at McDonald's (1973)
7.we do it for you (1975-1979)
1.nobody can do it like McDonald's can (1980-1983)
2.that's my McDonald's (1981)
3.we cook it all for you at McDonald's (1982)
4.McDonald's and you (1983-1984)
5.it's good time for the great taste of McDonald's (1984-1988)
6.it's Mac tonight (1985)
7.McDonald's is your place to be (1986)
1.good time,great taste (1988-1990)
2.there's nothing quite like a McDonald's (1988-1990)
3.you deserve a break today (1989-1990)
4.food,folks and fun (1990-1991)
5.McDonald's Today (1991-1992)
6.what you want is what you get (1992-1995)
7.do you believe in magic? (1993-1997)
1.have you had your break today?(1995-1997)
2.My McDonald's(1997)
3.did somebody say McDonald's (1997-2003)
4.we love to see you smile(2000-2003)
5.put a smile on (2000-2003)
6.smile (2001-2003)
7.I’m Loving It (2003-至今)
8.it's what i eat and what i do
9.what we're made of (2008-至今)
巨無(wu)霸橫空出世時,麥當勞(lao)給它(ta)的定位是“A meal disguised as a sandwich(一款(kuan)偽(wei)裝(zhuang)成三明治的美食)”,并在文案(an)上寫道“It’s as good as it is big(它(ta)有多大(da)就有多好吃)”。
同年,麥當勞正式確立M字的明黃色Logo標志,命名為“金拱門”(Golden Arches),最初由美國設計師Stanley Meston設計,寓意為人們提供一個無憂的庇護所。因此在60年代,麥當勞的品牌Slogan也定義為(wei)“Your kind of place(你的好(hao)去(qu)處)”。
與此同時,麥當勞(lao)將Slogan更改為“You deserve a break today”(今(jin)天你值(zhi)得休息一下)”,與當時美(mei)國(guo)社(she)會(hui)強調勞(lao)動回(hui)報的思潮相契合,表達(da)出美(mei)國(guo)人民的價值(zhi)追求和信仰:努力工作值(zhi)得回(hui)報。
在廣告(gao)宣(xuan)傳上,麥當勞側重于家庭(ting)團聚的氛(fen)圍,而漢(han)堡王(wang)則強調(diao)“have it your way(想怎么吃就怎么吃)”
在(zai)“I’m Loving It”之前(qian),麥(mai)當勞(lao)從未將一條Slogan沿(yan)用4年以上,而“I’m Loving It”也(ye)是麥(mai)當勞(lao)第一次在(zai)全球(qiu)范圍內推廣(guang)的Slogan。“I’m Loving It”這條Slogan以20多種語(yu)言出現在(zai)120個國家和(he)地區,至今還(huan)在(zai)使用。2004年9月25日,中(zhong)文翻譯“我(wo)就喜歡(huan)”正式(shi)在(zai)中(zhong)國啟用。陳奕迅、王力(li)宏、陶喆等華(hua)語(yu)歌手都曾為(wei)“我(wo)就喜歡(huan)”寫(xie)過歌。
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