哥(ge)(ge)德(de)爾(er)獎(G?del Prize),由歐洲計(ji)(ji)算機學(xue)會(EATCS)與美(mei)國計(ji)(ji)算機學(xue)會基礎理論(lun)(lun)專業組織(ACM SIGACT)于1993年(nian)(nian)共同設(she)立(li),頒給(gei)理論(lun)(lun)計(ji)(ji)算機領(ling)域最杰(jie)出的(de)學(xue)術論(lun)(lun)文。其名稱取自偉大(da)的(de)邏(luo)輯學(xue)家(jia)庫爾(er)特·哥(ge)(ge)德(de)爾(er)(Kurt G?del)。哥(ge)(ge)德(de)爾(er)也被認(ren)為(wei)是(shi)理論(lun)(lun)計(ji)(ji)算機的(de)先驅。著名的(de)P vs.NP問題(ti),被發現是(shi)哥(ge)(ge)德(de)爾(er)在1956年(nian)(nian)寫給(gei)馮·諾依曼(John von Neumann)的(de)一封(feng)信中首(shou)次提到(dao)的(de)。哥(ge)(ge)德(de)爾(er)獎是(shi)理論(lun)(lun)計(ji)(ji)算機領(ling)域最負盛(sheng)名的(de)獎項。
年份(fen) 姓名 理論成(cheng)果
1993年 László Babai for the development ofinteractive proof systems
Shafi Goldwasser
Silvio Micali
Shlomo Moran
Charles Rackoff
1994年 Johan H?stad for an exponential lower bound on the size of constant-depth Boolean circuits (for the parity function).
1995年 Neil Immerman for the Immerman–Szelepcsényi theorem regarding nondeterministic space complexity
Róbert Szelepcsényi
1996年 Mark Jerrum for work on Markov chains and the approximation of the permanent of a matrix
Alistair Sinclair
1997年 Maurice Herlihy for defining a formal notion of "knowledge" in distributed environments
Mike Saks
Nir Shavit
Fotios Zaharoglou
1998年 Seinosuke Toda for Toda's theorem which showed a connection between counting solutions (PP) and alternation of quantifiers (PH)
1999年 Peter Shor for Shor's algorithm for factoring numbers in polynomial time on a quantum computer
2000年(nian) Moshe Y. Vardi for work on temporal logic with finite automata
Pierre Wolper
2001年 Sanjeev Arora for the PCP theorem and its applications to hardness of approximation
Uriel Feige
Shafi Goldwasser
Carsten Lund
László Lovász
Rajeev Motwani
Shmuel Safra
Madhu Sudan
Mario Szegedy
2002年 Géraud Sénizergues for proving that equivalence of deterministic pushdown automata is decidable
2003年 Yoav Freund for the AdaBoost algorithm in machine learning
Robert Schapire
2004年 Maurice Herlihy for applications of topology to the theory of distributed computing
Mike Saks
Nir Shavit
Fotios Zaharoglou
2005年(nian) Noga Alon for their foundational contribution to streaming algorithms
Yossi Matias
Mario Szegedy
2006年 Manindra Agrawal for the AKS primality test
Neeraj Kayal
Nitin Saxena
2007年(nian) Alexander Razborov for natural proofs
Steven Rudich
2008年 滕尚(shang)華 for smoothed analysis of algorithms
Daniel Spielman
2009年(nian) Omer Reingold for zig-zag product of graphs and undirected connectivity in log space
Salil Vadhan
Avi Wigderson
2010年(nian) Sanjeev Arora for their concurrent discovery of a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for the Euclidean Travelling Salesman Problem (ETSP)
Joseph S. B. Mitchell
2011年 Johan H?stad for proving optimal inapproximability result for various combinatorial problems
2012年 Elias Koutsoupias for laying the foundations of algorithmic game theory
Christos Papadimitriou
Noam Nisan
Amir Ronen
Tim Roughgarden
éva Tardos
2013年 Dan Boneh for multi-party Diffie–Hellman key exchange and the Boneh–Franklin scheme in cryptography
Matthew K. Franklin
Antoine Joux
2014年 Ronald Fagin for Optimal Aggregation Algorithms for Middlewar
Amnon Lotem
Moni Naor
2015年 滕尚華 for their series of papers on nearly-linear-time Laplacian solvers
Daniel Spielman
1993年首(shou)屆哥(ge)德(de)爾獎(jiang)(jiang)得主中就有(you)一位女性(xing)Shafi Goldwasser。Shafi Goldwasser與1993年另一位獲獎(jiang)(jiang)者Silvio Micali于2012年共同獲得圖靈獎(jiang)(jiang)(Turing Award)。實際上,Shafi Goldwasser兩次獲得哥(ge)德(de)爾獎(jiang)(jiang),另一次是在2001年。截(jie)止到2015年,共有(you)6位學者兩次獲獎(jiang)(jiang),其他(ta)五位分別(bie)是Sanjeev Arora(2001,2010)和Johan H?stad(1994,2011),滕尚華和Daniel Spielman(2008,2015),Mario Szegedy(2001, 2005)。