Svetlana Lunkina :1979年(nian)(nian)(nian)生于莫(mo)(mo)斯科,1997年(nian)(nian)(nian)加盟莫(mo)(mo)斯科大劇院,2005年(nian)(nian)(nian)成為主(zhu)要演(yan)員,師從(cong)葉卡特琳娜·瑪(ma)克西(xi)莫(mo)(mo)娃,表(biao)演(yan)風格甜美(mei)細膩,18歲即以第二主(zhu)演(yan)的(de)身份參演(yan)《吉賽爾》,之后尤其擅長該劇第一幕(mu)的(de)演(yan)出(chu)。 2001年(nian)(nian)(nian)獲得莫(mo)(mo)斯科政府(fu)頒發的(de)“榮譽證書”,同年(nian)(nian)(nian)獲得俄羅(luo)斯國內的(de)“優秀青年(nian)(nian)(nian)演(yan)員獎”。
Her partner was Nikolay Tsiskaridze.(They were the second cast; the first cast was Ananiashvili and Filin) .1997年12月(yue)27日,在她(ta)與該公司的(de)(de)(de)第一個(ge)賽(sai)季,Lunkina跳(tiao)舞(wu)的(de)(de)(de)標(biao)題中的(de)(de)(de)作(zuo)用“吉(ji)賽(sai)爾”在芭(ba)蕾舞(wu)劇首演弗拉基(ji)(ji)米(mi)爾瓦西里(li)耶(ye)(ye)夫的(de)(de)(de)的(de)(de)(de)版(ban)本Lunkina參與了弗拉基(ji)(ji)米(mi)爾瓦西里(li)耶(ye)(ye)夫版(ban)本“吉(ji)賽(sai)爾”的(de)(de)(de)首演。她(ta)的(de)(de)(de)搭檔(dang)是NikolayTsiskaridze。他們擔任了第二主演,而第一主演是Ananiashvili和(he)Filin。)
In February 1998, during an exchange tour with the Mariinsky Ballet, Lunkina danced Giselle in St. Petersburg. 1998年2月1日(ri),也就是葉卡(ka)捷琳娜生日(ri)當天,在與馬(ma)林斯(si)基芭蕾(lei)舞團(tuan)的交流活動(dong)中,Lunkina在圣彼得堡出演了(le)吉賽爾。
During the 1997-1998season, Lunkina was nominated for a “Golden Mask” award for her performance Giselle. 在(zai)1997-1998賽(sai)季,Lunkina因《吉賽(sai)爾》獲(huo)(huo)得“金面具”表(biao)演(yan)獎提名。 However, the award went to Svetlana Zakharova from the Mariinsky.不過(guo),該獎項的(de)獲(huo)(huo)得者是來自馬林(lin)斯(si)(si)基的(de)斯(si)(si)韋特蘭(lan)娜·扎哈洛(luo)娃。
On May 23, 1998, Lunkina debuted in her second major part. 5月23日,1998年,她的(de)第(di)二(er)個Lunkina首(shou)次亮(liang)相(xiang)的(de)重要組成(cheng)部分。 She danced the title role in Vasiliev's “Anyuta”.她跳舞的(de)所(suo)有(you)權角(jiao)色瓦(wa)西里耶夫(fu)的(de)“Anyuta”。 Her partners were A. Barsegyan (Student), A. Melan'in (Petr Leontievich), I. Rizhakov (Artinov), and A. Petukhov (Modest Alekseevich).她的(de)合伙(huo)人(ren)甲巴爾謝吉揚(學(xue)生),甲Melan'在(切赫(he)Leontievich),一(yi)Rizhakov(Artinov),和(he)A.佩圖霍夫(fu)(適度阿列(lie)克謝)。
On May 25, 1998, the Bolshoi gave a performance for the members of 47th General Assembly and Congress of the International Press Institute. 5月25日(ri),1998年(nian),莫斯科大(da)劇院(yuan)表演了一(yi)個國(guo)際新聞學會的成員大(da)會和第47次代表大(da)會。 Lunkina took part in a ballet divertissement. (M. Lavrovsky's “Paganini" was also shown at that performance) Lunkina了余(yu)興舉行的一(yi)個芭蕾舞(wu)。(米Lavrovsky的“帕格尼(ni)尼(ni)”還表現在該列(lie))
In the Fall of 1998, Lunkina performed at a charity gala - “Ballet Stars—gift to Hospice”. 在(zai)1998年秋,Lunkina完成的(de)一個(ge)慈善(shan)晚會(hui)- “芭蕾之星-禮(li)物(wu)善(shan)終”。 The event was organized at the Bolshoi by the Maris Liepa Foundation.該活動是在(zai)莫(mo)斯科大劇院由馬里(li)Liepa基金會(hui)。 Svetlana Lunkina and Konstantin Ivanov performed a pas de deux from “Sleeping Beauty”.斯韋特蘭(lan)娜Lunkina和康斯坦丁諾夫(fu)表演了(le)《睡美人》中的(de)大雙(shuang)人舞(wu)。
In November 1998, Svetlana Lunkina took part in an international festival honoring the 50th anniversary of the National Ballet of Cuba. 1998年11月,斯(si)韋特蘭娜(na)Lunkina參與(yu)了古巴的國際電(dian)影節紀念的國家芭(ba)蕾舞團(tuan)50周年。
Agroup of Bolshoi dancers, Lunkina among them, toured China from December 23rd to 25th, 1998. 阿莫(mo)斯科(ke)大劇院舞(wu)蹈組,他們Lunkina間,中(zhong)國從12月23日(ri)參(can)觀至25日(ri),1998年。
During the 1998-99season, the Bolshoi staged Pugni's “Pas de Quatre”. 在(zai)1998-99演出季(ji),莫(mo)斯(si)科大劇院上演Pugni的(de)《奎特雷(lei)雙人舞(wu)(wu)》。 It was danced by Inna Petrova, Anna Antonicheva, Maria Allash, and Svetlana Lunkina.它是由因娜娃(wa)跳舞(wu)(wu),安娜Antonicheva,瑪麗(li)亞Allash和斯(si)韋特蘭娜Lunkina。 The ballet did not remain in the company repertoire.芭蕾(lei)舞(wu)(wu)沒有留在(zai)公司的(de)曲目。
At the start of 1999, the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall presented an evening dedicated to the memory of Ulanova, “Remembering Ulanova”. 在1999年開始(shi),柴可(ke)夫斯(si)基音樂廳介紹了烏蘭(lan)諾娃一晚上的專(zhuan)用內存,“懷念烏蘭(lan)諾娃”。 Lunkina danced in a pas de deux from “Giselle”. Lunkina跳舞從“吉(ji)賽爾”雙(shuang)人舞中。
On February 1, 1999, during a concert dedicated to Maximova's Jubilee, Lunkina performed an adagio from “The Nutcracker” and from “Anyuta”. 2月1日,1999年(nian),期間的銀禧音樂會致力于Maximova,Lunkina演出胡(hu)桃夾子一慢板從(cong)“”和“Anyuta”。
On February 3, 1999, The Bolshoi presented 100th performance of “Anyuta”, dedicated to the memory of V. 2月3日(ri),1999年,莫斯科(ke)大提(ti)出的100表現“Anyuta”,致力于記憶(yi)五(wu) Gavrilin, the ballet's composer.加夫(fu)里林,芭蕾舞(wu)的作曲家。 Lunkina performed the title role. Lunkina執行(xing)的標(biao)題(ti)的作用。
On May 5, 1999, The Bolshoi presented its 1000th performance of “Giselle”. 5月5日,1999年,莫(mo)斯科大劇院介紹(shao)了其第1000性能“吉賽(sai)爾”。 The performance was dedicated to Aleksander Bogatirev.這(zhe)次表演是專門(men)克(ke)瓦希(xi)Bogatirev。 Lunkina and K. Ivanov danced the principal parts. Lunkina和K.伊萬諾(nuo)夫跳舞的主(zhu)要部分。
At the end of 1998-99 season, after a company Concours, Lunkina was made a soloist (a differentiation among first and second soloist did not exist yet at the company). 在(zai)1998-99賽(sai)季結束后,公司(si)的競(jing)賽(sai),Lunkina了獨(du)奏(zou)(1獨(du)奏(zou)分化第(di)一(yi)和第(di)二之間不存(cun)在(zai)尚未在(zai)公司(si))。
In the summer of 1999, Lunkina took part in the Bolshoi's tour to London. 在(zai)(zai)1999年(nian)的(de)(de)夏天,Lunkina之旅的(de)(de)一(yi)部(bu)分(fen)參加(jia)了在(zai)(zai)莫斯(si)科大劇(ju)院(yuan)的(de)(de)倫敦。 The company performed at the Coliseum Theater.該(gai)公司在(zai)(zai)體育館劇(ju)院(yuan)演(yan)出。 Lunkina danced “Giselle”, now solidly in her repertoire, and on her 20th birthday, debuted as Kitri in “Don Quixote” with Sergei Filin as Basilio. Lunkina跳“吉賽爾”,現在(zai)(zai)在(zai)(zai)扎實的(de)(de)劇(ju)目,和她20歲生日,作為Kitri首次(ci)亮相“唐吉訶(he)德”的(de)(de)謝(xie)爾蓋作為巴西利奧Filin。
Later that summer, during the Valeriy Gavrilin festival at The Mussorgsky Theater in St. Petersburg, the Bolshoi presented Vasiliev's “Anyuta” (mus. by Gavrilin) in which Lunkina performed the title role. She was partnered by Vladimir Vasiliev (Petr Leontievich) in his first performance of the part after a five year hiatus, Alexander Petukhov (Modest Alekseevich), Aleksey Popovchenko (Artynov), and Dmitriy Rykhlov (The Student) 后來那年夏天(tian),在(zai)戲劇(ju)(ju)節在(zai)瓦列加夫里(li)林的(de)穆索爾(er)(er)斯(si)基(ji)在(zai)圣彼得堡,莫斯(si)科大劇(ju)(ju)院介(jie)紹瓦西(xi)里(li)耶(ye)夫的(de)“Anyuta”(加夫里(li)林mus.通過),其(qi)中Lunkina執行的(de)標題的(de)作用。她搭(da)檔弗拉基(ji)米爾(er)(er)瓦西(xi)里(li)耶(ye)夫(切赫Leontievich)在(zai)他的(de)第一個表現,部分中斷后,5年,亞歷山大佩圖霍夫(謙(qian)虛(xu)阿列克謝),阿列克謝Popovchenko(Artynov)和德米特里(li)雷赫洛夫(學生)
In October 1999, the Bolshoi Ballet went on a tour of Japan, dancing in Tokyo and nine other cities. The ballets presented by the company were Giselle, Don Quixote, as well as a mixed concert program. 1999年10月,莫斯科(ke)大(da)劇院(yuan)芭蕾(lei)(lei)舞(wu)團(tuan)于1日前往參觀(guan),在東京舞(wu)蹈等(deng)10個城(cheng)市。芭蕾(lei)(lei)舞(wu)演出由(you)該公司被吉賽爾,唐吉訶德,以及(ji)混合音樂會(hui)。 Lunkina took part in the tour. Lunkina參加了(le)這次(ci)巡(xun)演的一部(bu)分。
On November 25, 26 and 27, 1999, the Bolshoi performed in Hong Kong for the first time. 11月25日(ri)(ri),26日(ri)(ri)和27日(ri)(ri),1999年,莫(mo)斯科大劇院(yuan)演出(chu),香港首次。 Lunkina danced Kitri in “Don Quixote” during that tour. Lunkina跳舞在“唐吉訶德Kitri”期(qi)間(jian)旅(lv)游。
On December 12, 1999Lunkina made her debut in Balanchine's “Symphony in C” (first movement). 關(guan)于1999年12月(yue)12日Lunkina制造(zao)“交響曲她(ta)首(shou)次在巴蘭欽的(de)C語言”(第一樂章(zhang))。 Her partner was Sergey Filin.她(ta)的(de)合伙(huo)人謝爾(er)蓋Filin。
In January of 2000, a group of Bolshoi soloists toured Bermuda Islands. 2000年(nian)1月,一組(zu)的莫斯科(ke)大劇院獨唱演(yan)員演(yan)出(chu)百慕達群島。 Lunkina took part in that tour. Lunkina參(can)加(jia)了這次巡演(yan)的一部分。
On February 16, 2000Lunkina made her Moscow debut as Kitri in “Don Quixote”. 關于2000年2月16日Lunkina在(zai)作出Kitri唐吉訶(he)德“,她的莫斯(si)科首演”。
In April of 2000, Svetlana Lunkina danced in the Bolshoi premiere of Jerome Robbins' “Afternoon of a Faun” with Dmitriy Belogolovtsev. 2000年(nian)4月,斯(si)(si)韋特蘭娜(na)Lunkina跳舞在(zai)莫斯(si)(si)科大劇院(yuan)首演(yan)牧神杰羅姆羅賓斯(si)(si)“下午(wu)”與(yu)德米(mi)特里Belogolovtsev。
That April, Lunkina performed Vasiliev's “Sentimental Waltz” at a gala honoring the choreogrpher. 那年4月,Lunkina演出瓦西里耶夫(fu)的“感傷(shang)圓舞曲(qu)”在choreogrpher盛(sheng)大(da)兌現。
In May of 2000, the Bolshoi premiered “La Fille du Pharaon” (“The Pharaoh's Daughter”) which was choreographed for the Company by Pierre Lacotte. 2000年5月,莫斯(si)科大劇院(yuan)首演“香格里拉(la)菲爾杜法(fa)老”(下稱(cheng)“法(fa)老的(de)(de)女兒”),它是Lacotte編舞皮埃(ai)爾本公司的(de)(de)。 Lunkina danced the part of Aspiccia in the third cast of the premiere. Lunkina跳舞在首演第三投的(de)(de)Aspiccia的(de)(de)一部分。 Her partner was Dmitriy Belogolovtsev.她的(de)(de)合伙人德(de)米特(te)里Belogolovtsev。
In the summer of 2000, the Bolshoi went on a five week tour of the United States. 在(zai)(zai)2000年夏天,莫斯科大劇(ju)院參加了一次美國之行的5周。 They danced in Washington DC, Chicago, LA, Seattle, Orange County, and New York.他(ta)們跳舞(wu)在(zai)(zai)華盛頓(dun),芝加哥,洛(luo)杉磯,西雅圖(tu),奧蘭治縣和紐約。 Lunkina danced Giselle (with Nikolay Tsiskaridze) and Symphony in C on this tour. Lunkina跳舞(wu)吉賽(sai)爾(與尼古拉Tsiskaridze)和C交響樂團(tuan)在(zai)(zai)此參觀。
Тhat same summera group of Bolshoi dancers also toured Spain, where Lunkina made her debut as Aurora in “Sleeping Beauty”. Тhat夏天舞(wu)者同(tong)組的莫斯科大(da)劇(ju)院還參觀了西班(ban)牙,在那里Lunkina制造“”睡美人她出(chu)道極光研(yan)究。
In October, 2000, The Bolshoi Ballet went on a three-week tour of South Africa, dancing “Giselle” and a divertissement in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Bloemfontein, and Pretoria. 2000年10月,莫斯(si)科大劇院芭蕾舞團的(de)巡演上了南非(fei)3周,舞照跳“吉賽爾”和比勒陀利亞(ya)余(yu)興(xing)在約翰內斯(si)堡(bao),開普敦,德班,布隆方丹(dan)和。 Lunkina took part in the tour. Lunkina參加了這次巡演的(de)一部分。
On November 15, 2000, Lunkina made her Moscow debut as Aurora in “Sleeping Beauty”. Nikolay Tsiskaridze danced Prince Desire. 11月15日,2000年,Lunkina作出(chu)美容尼(ni)古拉Tsiskaridze。“她(ta)在莫斯科首演,極(ji)光(guang)”跳舞(wu)王子睡覺(jue)的欲望。
On January 6, 2001Svetlana Lunkina and Nikolay Tsiskaridze danced in a performance of “Giselle” which was dedicated to the 75th Birthday of Yuriy Zhdanov. 關于2001年1月6日(ri)(ri)斯韋(wei)特蘭娜Lunkina和尼古拉Tsiskaridze日(ri)(ri)丹(dan)諾夫在跳(tiao)舞(wu)表演的“吉賽爾”,這是專(zhuan)門(men)給尤里的75歲生日(ri)(ri)。
In 2001, The Bolshoi celebrated its 225th anniversary. 2001年(nian),莫斯科大劇(ju)院迎來(lai)了225周(zhou)年(nian)。 To commemorate the occasion a number of theater personnel were honored by various governmental awards.為了紀念這(zhe)個日子(zi)對戲(xi)劇(ju)人員,表彰了各政(zheng)府獎項(xiang)。 On March 19, 2001, Lunkina was awarded an Honorary Diploma of the Moscow Government. 3月19日,2001年(nian),Lunkina被授予一,莫斯科政(zheng)府名譽文憑。
In March of 2001, Yuriy Grigorovich mounted a new version of his “Swan Lake” at the Bolshoi. Lunkina danced the Russian Bride. 2001年3月,尤里Grigorovich登上。Lunkina莫斯(si)科大劇院的新版本,他的“天(tian)鵝湖”在俄羅斯(si)新娘跳(tiao)舞。
In the spring of 2001, during the Bolshoi's visit to London, Lunkina danced "The Dying Swan", "Les Sylphides", and a pas de deux from "Giselle" and "La Sylphide". 在2001年春天的(de)(de)倫敦,在莫(mo)斯科大劇院(yuan)的(de)(de)訪問,Lunkina跳“垂死的(de)(de)天鵝”,“萊斯Sylphides”,以(yi)及雙(shuang)人舞“德塞夫勒從(cong)”吉賽爾“和”仙凡之戀。 The performances took place at the Drury Lane Theater.該表演(yan)發生(sheng)在德魯里(li)巷劇院(yuan)舉(ju)行。
On September 21 and 23 of 2001, Lunkina danced “Giselle” with Vladimir Malakhov, principal dancer of ABT, Vienna State Opera and Stuttgart Ballet, when he was invited to appear as a guest artist with the Bolshoi. 2001年9月21日和23日,Lunkina跳舞(wu)“吉賽爾(er)”與弗拉基米(mi)爾(er)Malakhov及(ji),美國芭蕾舞(wu)劇院(yuan)的主要演員,維也(ye)納國家(jia)(jia)歌劇院(yuan)和斯(si)圖加特芭蕾舞(wu)團,當他被邀請出席莫斯(si)科大(da)劇院(yuan)作為一個藝術(shu)家(jia)(jia)與嘉賓。
In November 2001, the Bolshoi acquired an evening of Roland Petit's ballets --Passacaille, premiered earlier by the Paris Opera Ballet, and “Pique Dame” created especially for the Bolshoi. Lunkina took on the soloist role in the former ballet (partnered by Yan Godovsky), and danced Lise in the latter (the role of Germann was performed by N. Tsiskaridze and the Countess was danced by Ilze Liepa). 2001年11月,莫(mo)斯科大劇院(yuan)芭蕾舞收(shou)購一(yi)晚上羅朗(lang)佩蒂(di)的-帕薩卡耶,芭蕾舞團首演早些(xie)時候由巴黎歌(ge)劇院(yuan),與“皮(pi)克圣母院(yuan)”創造,特別是(shi)莫(mo)斯科大劇院(yuan)。Lunkina嚴發生在由獨奏(zou)家合(he)作中的作用(yong)(前(qian)芭蕾舞Godovsky)和格爾曼跳舞莉莎在后者(zhe)的作用(yong)(即是(shi)執行由聯合(he)國Tsiskaridze和伯爵(jue)夫人Liepa跳舞的Ilze)。 The premiere was shown live on the Central Russian Television.首映(ying)式上顯示的是(shi)俄羅斯的中央(yang)電視臺現場直播(bo)。
In December of that year, the Bolshoi went on a tour of Italy where Lunkina danced Aurora in “Sleeping Beauty”. 在去年12月說,莫斯科大(da)劇院參加了一次意大(da)利之旅(lv)在哪(na)里(li)Lunkina跳舞“極光(guang)在”睡美(mei)人。
Lunkina received the “Triumph” award for 2001. Lunkina榮獲“2001年(nian)凱旋(xuan)獎”。 The ceremony took place on January 28, 2002at the Moscow's Maly Theater.劇場舉行的(de)儀式上2002年(nian)1月28日(ri)在莫斯(si)科的(de)馬(ma)利。
In January 2002, the Bolshoi staged Frederick Ashton's “La Fille Mal Gardee”, and Lunkina was scheduled to dance the premiere. 2002年1月,莫斯科大劇院上演(yan)艾斯頓的(de)(de)“女大不(bu)中(zhong)留共分”,并定于Lunkina舞(wu)蹈首演(yan)。 However, her Colas (Sergey Filin) was severely injured on the day of the premiere, and another cast had to go on in their place.然而,她的(de)(de)科拉斯(謝爾(er)蓋Filin)嚴重受傷的(de)(de)首映白天,另一個(ge)演(yan)員不(bu)得不(bu)去(qu)的(de)(de)地方就(jiu)在他(ta)們。 Lunkina and Filin danced only the dress rehearsal on January 28. Lunkina和Filin跳舞(wu)彩排(pai)1月28日只有衣服。
On February 11, 2002, Svetlana Lunkina and Dmitriy Gudanov took part in the “Stars of the 21st Century” Gala in New York. 2月11日,2002年,斯韋特蘭娜(na)Lunkina和(he)德米特里Gudanov參(can)加了在紐(niu)約的一(yi)部分世紀“的”明(ming)星21嘎拉(la)新。 They danced a pas de deux from “La Sylphide” and “Le Spectre de la Rose”.他(ta)們(men)跳舞一(yi)個雙人(ren)舞,由“仙凡(fan)之戀”和(he)“樂幽(you)靈(ling)德拉(la)玫瑰(gui)”。
On April 25, 2002, Lunkina made her debut in the title role of “La Sylphide”. 4月25日,2002年(nian),Lunkina使她(ta)首次亮相的仙凡之戀“在標題的作用”。 Her James was Sergey Filin.她(ta)的詹姆斯謝爾蓋Filin。
At the end of April 2002, Lunkina and Gudanov danced in the “Stars of the 21st Century” Gala in Toronto. 在(zai)Gudanov 2002年4月(yue)結束,Lunkina跳(tiao)舞的“晚會”星(xing)光(guang)21世(shi)紀多倫(lun)多。 They performed a pas de deux from “La Sylphide” and the Black Swan pas de deux from “Swan Lake”.他們(men)表演了雙人(ren)舞,由“仙凡之戀”與(yu)黑天鵝雙人(ren)舞“天鵝湖”。
On June 4, 2002, Lunkina and N. Tsiskaridze danced “Giselle”. 6月(yue)4日,2002年,Lunkina和N. Tsiskaridze跳“吉賽爾(er)”。 The prime minister of Bulgaria was at that performance.保加利亞總理是在該性能。
From January to June of 2002, Chelyabinsk Theater of Opera and Ballet held a “Ballet Festival in Honor of Ekaterina Maximova”. 從2002年1月(yue)至6月(yue),車里雅賓斯克歌劇(ju)和芭蕾(lei)舞劇(ju)院舉行榮譽葉卡(ka)捷琳(lin)娜Maximova在“芭蕾(lei)舞節”。 Maximova's pupils, including Lunkina, took part in the Festival. Maximova的(de)學生,包括Lunkina,參加(jia)了(le)電(dian)影節的(de)一(yi)部分。
In the summer of 2002, Svetlana Lunkina and Sergey Filin went to Japan with Vladimir Malakhov's touring group "Malakhov and Friends", and danced the pas de deux from “La Fille du Pharaon”. 在2002年的(de)夏天,斯韋特蘭娜(na)Lunkina和Sergey Filin前(qian)往日本與弗拉基米爾Malakhov及的(de)旅行(xing)團(tuan)“Malakhov及與好友”,跳舞的(de)雙(shuang)人舞法老德塞夫(fu)勒從“香格里拉菲爾杜”。
During that summerLunkina took part in the filming of John Daily's “Saint Petesburg—Cannes Express.” The world premiere took place in March 2003in Palm Springs. 在(zai)那年夏天Lunkina了(le)Express的一部(bu)分,該影片(pian)在(zai)戛納約翰日報的“圣Petesburg -。”世界首演了(le)普林斯2003年3月發生(sheng)在(zai)Palm。
The Bolshoi Ballet and Orchestra toured Japan from the 21st of September to the 10th of October, 2002.莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團?他與樂(le)隊巡回演(yan)出從9月21日(ri)(ri)至2002年(nian)10月10日(ri)(ri)。"Sleeping Beauty" and "Spartacus" were shown in Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, Nagoya, and other cities. “睡美人”和“斯巴(ba)達克(ke)斯”是顯(xian)示在東京,大阪,福(fu)岡(gang),名古(gu)屋等城市。 Lunkina and Tsizkaridze opened the tour in a matinee performance of "Sleeping Beauty". Lunkina和Tsizkaridze開日(ri)(ri)場演(yan)出中的一個旅游“睡美人”。
On February 2, 2003, Lunkina made her debut as Odette-Odile in "Swan Lake". 2月(yue)2日,2003年,Lunkina作出奧(ao)德特(te)天鵝奧(ao)迪爾在“她(ta)出道湖”。 Her partner was Konstantin Ivanov.她(ta)的合伙人康斯坦丁(ding)諾夫。
On February 5, 2003, a presentation of the Russian affiliate of Trans Continental Talent, a talent-scouting agency, took place at the Film Center on Krasnaya Presna. 2月(yue)5日(ri),2003年,一(yi),介紹俄羅(luo)斯(si)的偵察(cha)機構的分支機構的跨大陸(lu)的人才,一(yi)個人才在地方上了Presna紅星電(dian)(dian)影(ying)(ying)中心。 The director of the recent film "Saint Petersburg-Cannes Express", John Daily, is one of the founders of the company.近期(qi)電(dian)(dian)影(ying)(ying)“圣(sheng)彼德堡,戛(jia)納快車”,約翰日(ri)報,董事(shi)是(shi)公司的創(chuang)始(shi)人之一(yi)。 The actors engaged in the movie, including Svetlana Lunkina, took part in the presentation and the press conference.在從事(shi)電(dian)(dian)影(ying)(ying)演(yan)員,包括斯(si)韋特蘭(lan)娜Lunkina參加了演(yan)示(shi)文(wen)稿的一(yi)部分,新聞發布會(hui)。
On February 15, 2003, the Bolshoi mounted Roland Petit's "Notre Dame de Paris" for the first time. 關于2003年2月(yue)15日,莫(mo)斯(si)科(ke)大劇(ju)院安(an)裝巴黎圣母院“首次(ci)羅朗佩蒂(di)的”。 The first performance was danced by Svetlana Lunkina (Esmeralda), Nikolay Tsizkaridze (Quasimodo), Alexander Volchkov (Phoebus), and Yan Godovsky (Frollo).第一個表(biao)現是跳舞的斯(si)韋(wei)特蘭(lan)娜Lunkina(埃斯(si)梅拉(la)達),尼(ni)古拉(la)Tsizkaridze(卡西莫(mo)多),亞歷(li)山大沃爾奇科(ke)夫(太陽神),和燕Godovsky(Frollo)。 The performance was shown live on the "Kultura" channel.這次(ci)表(biao)演是展示生活在“文(wen)化報”通(tong)道。
In March of 2003, under the auspices of the "Golden Mask" Festival, the Bolshoi and the Mariinsky took part in an exchange tour. 在(zai)2003年3月(yue),在(zai)馬林斯(si)基贊(zan)助的(de)“金面具(ju)”節,莫斯(si)科大劇(ju)院和(he)(he)參加巡演的(de)一部分,一交流。 Petit's "Passacaille" and "Pique Dame" were shown at the Mariinsky Theater on March 11 and 12.珀蒂的(de)“帕薩卡耶”和(he)(he)“皮克圣(sheng)母院”是顯示在(zai)馬林斯(si)基劇(ju)院于3月(yue)11日和(he)(he)12日。 Lunkina danced in both ballets. Lunkina跳(tiao)舞都芭蕾舞。
On March 18 and 20, 2003, Svetlana Lunkina and Andrey Uvarov danced "Swan Lake" with the Ballet Company of the National Theater of Belgrade (Narodno pozoriste u Beogradu) in Belgrade (Slovenia). 在3月(yue)18日(ri)和(he)20日(ri),2003年,斯韋(wei)特蘭娜Lunkina和(he)安德(de)烈烏(wu)瓦(wa)羅夫跳“天鵝湖ü Beogradu”Narodno pozoriste隨著國家劇院芭蕾(lei)舞團在貝爾格萊德(de)(貝爾格萊德(de))在(斯洛文尼亞(ya))。
In May of 2003, the Bolshoi went on a brief tour of Germany. 2003年(nian)5月,莫(mo)斯科大(da)劇院參加了(le)一次(ci)簡短的(de)德國(guo)之(zhi)旅。 The program consisted of "Les Sylphides" and a divertissement.該方案包括“萊斯Sylphides”和余興。 Lunkina took part in that tour. Lunkina參加了(le)這次(ci)巡演(yan)的(de)一部分(fen)。
On May 20, 2003, Dmitriy Gudanov made his debut as Claude Frollo in "Notre Dame de Paris". 5月20日,2003年(nian),德(de)米特里Gudanov了“巴黎圣母院克勞德(de)Frollo他出道的(de)(de)”。 His partners were Svetlana Lunkina (Esmeralda), Nikolay Tsizkaridze (Quasimodo), and Vladimir Neporozhniy (Phoebus).他的(de)(de)合伙人斯(si)韋(wei)特蘭娜(na)Lunkina(埃斯(si)梅拉(la)達(da)),尼古拉(la)Tsizkaridze(卡西莫多),和弗拉(la)基米爾Neporozhniy(菲(fei)比斯(si))。 This was Lunkina's last performance before her maternity leave.這是(shi)Lunkina的(de)(de)她(ta)休產假前(qian)最(zui)后一(yi)場(chang)表演。
In the winter of 2003-2004Lunkina gave birth to a son. 在Lunkina 2003-2004年冬季(ji)生下(xia)了(le)一個兒子(zi)。 The next season she returned to the stage.下(xia)個賽(sai)季(ji)她又回(hui)到(dao)了(le)舞臺(tai)。 Her first performance, on October 6, 2004, was in the title role of “Giselle” in Grigorovich's version of the ballet.她的首次演出,10月6日,2004年,是在標題中的作用“吉賽(sai)爾”在Grigorovich的芭(ba)蕾版本。 She was partnered by Vladimir Neporozhniy.她搭檔弗拉基米爾Neporozhniy。
On October 13, 2004, Lunkina resumed her roles in the Roland Petit bill, dancing the leading part in “Passacaglia”, partnered by Andrey Bolotin who was making his debut in the ballet, as well as Liza in “Pique Dame” with Nikolay Tsiskaridze, who was returning to the role of Hermann for the fist time since sustaining a serious knee injury in the fall of 2003. 10月13日,2004年(nian),Lunkina珀(po)蒂法案(an)恢復她的角色(se)在羅蘭(lan),舞(wu)蹈中的主導作用“帕薩卡里亞”,Tsiskaridze搭檔安德烈博洛(luo)廷誰是使他首次在芭蕾舞(wu),以及阿姐在“皮克圣(sheng)母院”與(yu)尼古拉,誰是回到赫爾曼是自(zi)維持在2003年(nian)秋季嚴重膝傷拳頭時(shi)間(jian)的作用。
"Giselle" (Perrot, Coralli, Vasiliev), Giselle (1997). “吉(ji)賽(sai)爾”(珀羅特,科拉利,瓦西(xi)里(li)耶夫),吉(ji)賽(sai)爾(1997年)。
"Sleeping Beauty" (Petipa, Grigorovich), Fairy of Tenderness (Candid). “睡美人(ren)”(佩提帕,Grigorovich),溫(wen)柔(偷拍)童話。
"La Bayadere" (Petipa, Chabukiani, Grigorovich), Grand Pas. “香格里拉Bayadere”(佩(pei)提帕,恰布基阿(a)尼,Grigorovich),大(da)功(gong)率(lv)放大(da)器。
"Don Quixote" (Petipa, Gorsky, Grigorovich), Juanita (1998). “唐吉訶德”(佩(pei)提帕,戈斯基,Grigorovich),胡(hu)安妮塔(1998)。
"Anyuta" (Vasiliev), Anyuta (1998). “Anyuta”(瓦西里耶夫),Anyuta(1998年(nian))。
"Pas de Quatre" (Dolin), soloist. “雙(shuang)人舞奎(kui)特雷”(多林),獨奏。
"Don Quixote" (Petipa, Gorsky, Fadeechev), Kitri (1999). “唐吉訶德(de)”(佩提帕,戈斯基(ji),Fadeechev),Kitri(1999年)。
"Sleeping Beauty" (Petipa, Grigorovich), Aurora (2000). “睡(shui)美人”(佩提帕,Grigorovich),極(ji)光(2000年)。
"Symphony in C" (Balanchine), First Movement (1999). “在C交響曲”(巴蘭欽),第一樂章(1999年)。
"Le Spectre de la rose" (Fokin), The Girl. “樂幽靈德拉(la)玫瑰(gui)”(福金),女孩(hai)。
"Afternoon of a Faun" (Robbins), soloist (2000). “牧神(shen)午(wu)后(hou)”(羅賓斯(si)),獨(du)奏(2000年)。
"La Fille du Pharaon " (Lacotte), Aspiccia (2000). “香格里(li)拉菲爾杜法老”(Lacotte),Aspiccia(2000年)。
"Les Sylphides" (Fokin), Prelude, Seventh Waltz. “萊斯Sylphides”(福(fu)金),前奏(zou)曲,第七(qi)華(hua)爾(er)茲。
"Sentimental Waltz" (Vasiliev). “感傷的圓舞(wu)曲”(瓦西(xi)里耶(ye)夫)。
"The Dying Swan" (Fokin). “垂死的天鵝”(福(fu)金)。
"Swan Lake" (Petipa, Ivanov, Grigorovich), Russian Bride (2001). “天鵝湖”(佩(pei)提帕(pa),伊(yi)萬諾夫(fu),Grigorovich),俄羅斯新娘(2001年)。
"Passacaille" (Petit), principal (2001). “帕薩卡耶(ye)”(佩蒂特),主(2001年)。
"Pique Dame" (Petit), Lisa (2001). “皮(pi)克圣母(mu)院”(佩蒂(di)特),莉莎(2001年(nian))。
"La Sylphide" (Bournonville, Von Rozen), Sylphide (2002). “仙(xian)凡之戀”(布農維爾,馮薔薇(wei)),仙(xian)女(2002年(nian))。
"Swan Lake" (Petipa, Ivanov, Grigorovich), Odette-Odile (2003). “天鵝湖”(佩提(ti)帕,伊萬諾(nuo)夫,Grigorovich),奧德特(te)-奧迪爾(2003年(nian))。
“Notre Dame de Paris” (Petit), Esmeralda (2003). “巴黎(li)圣母(mu)院”(佩蒂(di)特),埃斯梅拉達(2003年)。
Awards:獎項: 2001–An Honorary diploma of the Moscow Government. 2001年(nian),莫斯科政府的榮譽文憑(ping)的。
2001– Youth award "Triumph". 2001-青年獎“勝利”。