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充8萬什么梗 充八萬是什么意思

本文章由注冊用戶 最潮流*時尚范 上傳提供 2023-11-29 評論 0






本來bgm是《創造101》,被抖音網友(you)換成(cheng)了《beutiful Smile》,節(jie)奏更強,并且歌詞聽起(qi)來還(huan)挺(ting)像(xiang)中文的“充(chong)八萬”,因此馬總(zong)的視頻和《beautiful smile》都火了。


《Beautiful Smile》是歌手(shou)Saba / IDK收錄(lu)于(yu)《Beautiful Smile》專輯的歌。

Ayy, ayy, ayy

Watch it there, watch me ayy

Watch me ayy, ayy, ayy

I got a beautiful smile, honestly I forgot how

Since I put my boy in a box,

Sometimes I see him in the cloud

I been away for a while, I'm in the bay, in the town

****** debating 'bout who is the greatest

For what you debating about?

****** aching for clout, I know

****** who run in yo' house, without stakin' it out

If you ain't really 'bout,

**** that you say you about

I went in a different route

I just go pivot the couch

I just envisioned the count

Then I go get that amount

I got a beautiful house,

But honestly I skip the town

Anytime that the temperature down

So someone dissed me in a crew,

But honestly I forgot who

'Cause ****** is snakes and what's crazy

Is that it's somebody I probably knew

Me I don't get it, no clue,

That's just some **** you don't do

That's just some more **** I add to the list

That I can't give no energy to

Watch what you put up on the web

You don't want everyone aware

I just had to leave the hood

'Cause ************* treated me like a celeb

I just went and cut my dreads,

But I got some beautiful hair

I am just searchin' for something that's real

'Cause this **** really not what they said

I got a (Beautiful) smile, but honestly (ayy) how

I put my boy in a box, sometimes I see him in the cloud

I been away for a while, I'm in the bay, in the town

****** debating 'bout who is the greatest

For what you debating about?

Ayy, yeah

I swear that it's always something

Guess what? I always want something (ayy)

I swear that it's all assumption (ayy)

Here out they always want something

I got a beautiful condo

Stacking my bread for the house next

Labels keep tryin' to sign me

They do not have the amount yet

See I come from a place

Where them ****** don't usually amount ****

Boarded up houses across from the suburbs

That's causing a feud like the north and southern

A fight for the slavery re-cost society

Got 'em runnin' in your mother's, house (how?)

'Cause they under your covers, there's no one to cover

That's pointin' they guns as they're runnin' for cover

The news ain't gon' cover, there's nothin' to govern

When ****** keep fighting and killing each other

To deal with each other for dealin' to others

Dealin' with the facts, make a ***** wonder

Who gon' have my back when the storm thunder

He gon' take the white, cook and make it butter

Ain't no thinking twice, he don't ever stutter

Money in his sight, runnin' to them numbers

That's the finish line,

Right before he crosses blue and red lights

Central booking cover 25 to life

Something like his cousin, that's the way of life

Nothing's ever promised but I got a—

I got a beautiful smile, honestly I forgot how

Since I put my boy in a box,

Sometimes I see him in the cloud

I been away for a while, I'm in the bay, in the town

****** debating 'bout who is the greatest

For what you debating about?

Ayy, yeah

I swear that it's always something

Guess what? I always want something (ayy)

I swear that it's all assumption (ayy)

Here out they always want something

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